Ooo good idea. I'm going to close my eyes and walk around the city. When I sprain my ankle on a curb... JACKPOT! Why haven't all the bums been doing this?!
Nope I agree with Xamiazi's sentiment exactly. I hate when people try to sue places because of their own stupidity.
Have you ever seen someone eating a giant chef salad cruising down a residential road at about 45mph? dude had that shit sitting on his gut like it was a table. Wheres a cop when you need'em?
she got what she deserves... stupid bitch... I always look up after a few letters or so while walking down the street if I am texting someone.. That's HER NEGLIGENCE and stupidity for not watching where she is going.. But like Roch said, they are going to win...
That won't fly. No cones = fail. I've never seen an unattended open manhole with no cones, road block, or whatever, but then again NYC is the worst city in the US.
when i was in high school i had a traffic class where they talked about that kind of stuff... i remember driving while eating a big mac value meal with stick shift being the top story.