I was really thinking it would suck.. but I DL'd it and within a few min fell in love with it. I just didn't think a 3D world would fit the style of it.. but it works really well. and the story is interesting. The voice acting is a little sad and they didn't get enough people to do it.. so you notice a lot of the same people doing different ascents. Especially the kids lol. There's like only two kid actors (one female one male) doing all the kids.. and there is quite a few in the story. This is another one of those deals that's just about too good to pass up. (I got it)
Ive been thinking of getting this but a friend told me that its better to wait for the GOTY edition as that will come with all the downloadable content. With steam you get the game for a good price sure but you still have to pay for the extras, also rumour is that the steam version wont work with mods and such. Im still really tempted to pick it up now and start playing it though lol.
Makes me a little pissed off that I got it for Xbox... cost me $60, preowned with an EDGE card (10% off preowned games)...
To my knowledge mods should work with steam. Since I believe the directory is the same.. just inside Steams folders. If the GOTY version is coming.. maybe that's why they are doing this sale. sucks. but still worth it for me. Since the GOTY edition might still run 40-50 bucks.
I am curious too about the mods ... I want to try the pitt after I am done with all the regular content .. I downloaded it through steam this weekend ... but I have a few concerns/regrets 1. What if your internet connection is down? you cant play the game cause it wants to launch steam first? 2. The official word on the street about adding the other xpacks ? But all in all the game is fun, and I was presently suprised wit the immersion factor, even the game is not an MMO Gru
if you open up the Steam client, in the upper left corner you should see File. click that and the third option down should say Go Offline. A pop up should appear that asks if you want to Restart in Offline mode, click that, and now you're in offline mode =) Which should allow you to play the game without it connecting/needing an internet connection. Mind you, you still need to be running the Steam client, it will just stay in your task bar "offline".
I got it for Xbox as well. I'm not sure what I was thinking... my PC is far mightier and can run the game at a much higher res. Not to mention the KB + mouse advantage.
found it ... never looked under file, now what about buying "the pitt" from gamestop or somethin ... shouldnt I be able to install it to the proper directory? ... I saw a copy of Anchorage and Pitt for 19.99 @ gamestop Gru
oh and .. .quick lore question ... where does the Operation Anchorage fit into the fallout timeline? it seems like its before fallout3? or am I confused ? Gru
I just downloaded an 'evaluation copy' of it for the PC. It runs fine without using Steam or GFWL or a CD. I figured, since I already paid for it I can get away with it . PC also has the advantage of a wonderful ongoing mod community which keeps it interesting even after playing the official content. But it crashes a lot more than it did on XBOX.
You get to play a realistic computer simulation of the historic battle from a hidden bunker in the Capital Wasteland. OA is probably the weakest of the DLC, but the gear you get at the end is well worth the ten bucks. The other three DLC take place in the present day. The 'Pitt and Point Lookout can be played at anytime during or after the main quest, and Broken Steel extends the original quest line past the ending in the main game (it also increases the level cap to 30).