I've begun the download for AA3, and I'll be heading to work for a few hours while it downloads. Just curious who else has the game and is wanting to play sometime?
I have it. I havent played it in a few days do to trying out ArmA2. I'm down for a game once you get situated =)
I have it also haven't played it lately was hoping for some patches to make the game feel like a non-beta POS..
I have it downloaded, updated etc... but the fucking game freezes whenever I try to train or multiplayer.
Not sure if you tried this.. but there are some temp files in your AA3 folder you can delete. I've heard doing so might fix freeze ups. I will double check right now and make sure those are the correct files. edit: yeah those are the ones.
I had it and would have loved to played it. Only problem is every time I boot it up, it loads the intro movies then crashes to desktop. So I deleted it and probably won't be trying again until next month or later.
This is another possible fix for the freezing when joining games. They said barrow this file from someone that doesn't freeze up. So this is from my install. Download it, unzip, and (Backup yours FIRST!) put it in your binaries folder. Let me know if it works! source of fix
The file deletion didn't work. It seems they are just from joining servers or something. The replacement worked great though. thank you. Now I have to find a way to fix PB since I can't join a team on the PB servers. It won't write to the pbag.dll.
awesome! I don't know if you're logged in as admin all the time or not, but I've noticed I -have to- be logged in with admin rights to even play. I don't know if it will matter, but have you manually updated PB? manual update page
Yea I'm always admin but I'm on XP. I updated PB but I don't know if i updated it to the right spot since steam likes to hide everything.