everything that is in the usercp is part of VB... we haven't added any hacks at all. There are things like friends lists, social groups, user profile customizing, user albums etc... I have at least one friend, lame added me so my ego is safe!
Must be kind of like FaceBook, and MySpace. We all just add each other as friends even though none of us really know each other.
I have known you - in the biblical sense. BTW can we have an "enemy list?" It would make it easier to start flame wars and allow us to be more efficient in drama creation.
this does not surprise me in the slightest. Until this occurs, I shall "befriend" only enemies to keep things sorted!
Genius! That would allow edrama to flourish... on a side note... Does anyone have the heart to reject a friend request?
I'm just waiting for Crae or Brown to friend request.. then I'll be like dinner and a movie first!! I ain't cheap!.. or sumthin