AA3 Releases Tomorrow. (You Game?)

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Nishua, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. wow.. way to drop the ball on a really good game..
  2. all of the above, I havent played any multiplayer,got past the medic training after 10 attempts,see what happens with any patches,I hope ARMA2 isn't so crappy?.. I want 1920x1200 res,not gonna happen with this one either.oh well..nice try.
  3. I played in multiplayer games till 5AM last night =P on one server pretty much the whole time. had a BLAST

    I think its just a matter of finding a stable server. I was on the Old Fart server. only got dumped once.. it had a few lag spikes maybe for 5 minutes at a time ever hour or so.

    I LOVE that you cant jump in this game lol. no more bunny hopping (hated that crap in the BF games)

    there are some bugs that really piss me off though.. the "can't find a starting spot" and makes you sit out the whole match. and another is that you can slide under something you cant normally crouch in.. and it bugs you out.. like it glitches you into the floor. and I think it makes it really hard for enemies to see/kill you. I walked right past a few and they didnt see me .. then I killed one =P
  4. I'm going to try this game now.. just finished downloading through Steam.

    It's not looking good so far... Steam pulled up this for the EULA:


    EDIT: I just joined a multiplayer game... I go to press Control thinking it is crouch (like in CounterStrike) without prompting anything, I started loading a new map, and now I'm in a jail cell, with a timer set to 10:00 that isn't moving. This is the most fucking retarded shit ever. I give up.

    EDITx2: I've tried connecting to 3 different servers now and the game is bugging out... textures beyond directly in front of you are very blocky and make it impossible to hit anything from afar. I hate that they make you go through basic training to unlock grenades and weapons... Just let me play the game! The game is unbelievably slow to load and high cpu usage for such terrible graphics, but maybe it is just me.

    Game could be fun, I guess I'll be waiting till the patch. Gogogo TF2!!
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2009
  5. they just released a patch to resolve all those issues...auto update /steam
    heres the info:

    Removed apparent lag caused by other players entering or leaving a server
    Improved start of round spawn issues
    Resolved problem with training results not saving
    Improved communication with Authentication server
    Eliminated freezing up when moving from one training mission to another
    Cleared up hesitation during training missions
    Significantly reduce number of authentication transactions between player and Authentication server
    Solved achievements save and display problems
    Improved Login communication with Authentication server
    Improved player statistics tracking for better accuracy
    Improved overall performance
  6. nope still not working!
  7. would like to know how you got it unlocked.. mine still says pre loaded.
  8. QFT

    Waiting for patch #2... Q.Q

    If anyone reads this and is a member of the XoO Steam group, can they please invite me? Thanks.
  9. Nice! I was wondering why my medic training went through so fast. Im now doing the Mout training now. I didnt even notice downloading the patch =P

    I did get some acheivments in game "there is no I in team" and "two brids, one stone" but they never updated =(

    Add Kinetic Medic to your friends list and message him on steam
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2009
  10. yo... how are you guys playing? Will someone please answer... my shit still says pre loaded and will not let me play..

    Are you playing a beta or some shit? Or are you playing the actual game?
  11. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    Just keep trying every hour or so Cox. It took trying most of a day on and off to get it to go through for me.
  12. It is the actual game, but feels a lot more like an early beta in terms of playability and performance...

    I know their servers got hammered yesterday so you might not have been able to connect to unlock the preload. I'd say try going to AA3 in the Steam Store and click Install. If that doesn't work, I'd try deleting the predownload and then redownloading the whole thing from scratch.
  13. Real game. Just try what chrisbeebops said.
    maybe try and manually back up the downloaded files you already have.. just so you dont redownload them. I would assume they are not corrupt.. and its just a communication issue.
  14. cod4 for life :p Nah, ill try it out.
  15. so no one can play it?I got to MOUT TRAINING,freezes and locks me out,multiplayer sends me back to training,might try reinstall,but is it worth it?probably it will just do the same.
  16. I have been. At least till last night. I could get into a game, but it would say authentication failed and boots me out. tried that for about an hour before I went to bed.

    I haven't tried today however. probably wont till later tonight.. got stuff to do.
  17. I think is mostly a case of server(s) overload...dont think they were expecting all this attention :)
  18. well, I deleted everything and reinstalled the game. Still no luck, still says pre release. Clicking on install or doing anything else still brings it up as pre release, so I have no clue anymore.