SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) – A US weapons lab on Friday pulled back the curtain on a super laser with the power to burn as hot as a star. The National Ignition Facility's main purpose is to serve as a tool for gauging the reliability and safety of the US nuclear weapons arsenal but scientists say it could deliver breakthroughs in safe fusion power. A fusion reaction triggered by the super laser hitting hydrogen atoms will produce more energy than was required to prompt "ignition," according to NIF director Edward Moses. Whole article here! Some pretty cool stuff here!
Have you read Endwar? It was a pretty good book and they make an appearance in there. This new tech is freaking amazing. I would like to see detailed specs and scientific papers on this thing to see exactly how it works. It has to be more than just focusing a bunch of lasers on one point. I need to get on that team lol I wouldn't mind working on a prototype rods from god weapon either. Science = win
Lol, Austrian dry humour. "We can create the stars right here on earth. And I can see already my friends in Hollywood being very upset that their stuff that they show on the big screen is obsolete. We have the real stuff right here."