This would also restrict guilds to one race only, which would mean that each race would have to be balanced against every other race...developers nightmare unless you pull a WoW and give every race the exact same classes...which IMO goes 100% against War40k where everything has its unique flavor of strengths and weaknesses.
Yes, each race would have to be balanced... But as far as details, it would all depend on the kind of system they are creating. Level based, skill tree based, support characters or no support characters, etc. If they do it properly, it's not hard at all.
My bet: it will be level based, it will be carebear friendly, and it will be theme park. Perhaps it will closely resemble Dawn of War 2 where you increase Skills, but on a level to level basis.
Isn't there enough infighting and variation within most of the 40k factions to allow mixed race guilds to work ? Sure, some groups would never be able to be in the same guild and there would need to be some NPCs that react differently to mixed race and pure race guilds. This would also allow for a game where you could attack any other players. But attacking some guilds would lead to harsher consequences from NPCs than others.
See thats what I think, There is always the good vs evil battle and I would assume that a SM and a Eldar would happily fight together against a chaos group. They might not stay on great terms after the battle sure but the set is there to allow units from races to team up depending on the cause of the conflict.
They need to take the idea from Tabula Rasa and make it actually work. So a races like Tyranids and Necrons could be completely AI controlled and could advance around the universe based on what the devs want or the metrics off the server. Then you could still have player VS player with destruction vs order but the 3rd AI faction is the wild card. Opens a lot of possibilities.
That would rock. It would be sweet to have the 3 way DAoC style with the fourth as the PvE content style.
What about the players who would want to play as a nid or a necron? Tyranid players easily make up a good portion of 40k fans. Perhaps they have to earn points in game to allow them to take part as a nid/cron unit in a special attack against a faction? So a attack is going on one of orders planets, and all the destructon players have an option of cashing in points or whatever to allow them to play as a certain unit. More points means better nid or cron unit ( or Orc now I think about it, any wave race really ). The goal is simple, destroy as much as possible and if by some crazy feat you win the planet become a giant npc battleground which is free for either side to enter and fight and claim. Would be interesting gameplay
2012, the year when the world will end apparently. But at least its something to look forward to. The game I mean....