Halarity ensues.
I want to play that game soooo bad... would be here if it werent for micrososft being douche bags....
The problem is SquareEnix douchebaggery bro. They have absolutely no concept of running another team to handle the localizations. They JUST started doing this so that they could "minimize" the time between the JP and NA releases. EU is still fucked though. Now if your insuinating that the reason the game isn't out yet is because of the Xbox, then blame the US market for loving the Xbox way more then the PS3. If SE went out and released XIII on just the PS3 it would flop from the lack of install base(5m on the PS3 vs 11m on the 360-as of Nov1-).
I know the numbers and I know its economically sound to wait for the xbox's launch. I still don't get the love of the xbox over the PS3 and it annoys me to have to wait for them to finish it for the xbox before I get to play it on my PS3 when there done with that version.
It's not waiting on the xbox that's the issue. By Localization I meant the English localization. SE IS SLOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW and they don't care because they know we will still buy it when it comes out. It's called "Resting on your Laurels" which a lot of Japanese power players are getting notoriously bad about these days. I fell your anger dude, but you need to direct it at SE not Microsoft, they are not the ones at fault here.