If your in this group, your not fully registered... Here is a list of the people I am showing in this group. If your in this list, please read this link, http://www.xoohq.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37 If you do not contact me or make a post so your not at zero post count, I will consider you spam bots If you get classed as a spambot, I will be removing you, so post or contact me to let me know your real, and I can help ya finish the registration. (if you have more then 0 posts, I will not delete ya regardless though, as we always moderate a persons first post so we know if it's a legit post or a spammer.) *Alesier* abelurs Aiden Alesier Alias Angelista Artok Bacongnak biggieheals Bio bloody bopActict Caille Cain Capt.Moore Complete Authority ConGrooks Coxvoreot curian10 davidsmash dbyron7771 demon Dethore Detnon Deviance Donika dragonix Dukem Nukem edgerr Exorsisim Facemelterr FlusherD12 Gladiator man Goregutz GrireeDofeGed highworld Hirosuke Iisis invindyMill Ishlah Jayc Jenconupledup jimdh2 Jov jullius kenshins KielbasyKid knighttime281 LucasLAD mangobrains Mantric MBlown Monkmanjim Mr Joey Naped ny_conqueror Okyki palmone12 pogojohn Raveshaw redlegend remilahoe Ritterbruder Rolaren ron sardpejerse Sergio Leone sesbud Sgt Dew Sine sk8ter chick Snilloc Solitaryknight solo2000 spy test squigo suka syn Takihsis Thezeus thirteenwithinfinity Thurrymardy timmyjunky Totemtwister Trav tribattest Tweakness undergrowth Vilencia Vioar Vivec VWJohn warfan123 warspeed12 wcritter21 Woonsbign Wyverner Xolek
Also please glance at your title under your name... If it's listed as "I need to post!" please make a post as that is another way that we are stopping spambots... if you havn't posted at least once, you do not end up in our "registered users - non moderated" group, which is the group that we consider non spam bots... So even if you don't like to post, make a post somewhere just the once so we know your not a spam bot
yeah I know, but I already have a sticky with the same subject lol I figure some people may not read the stickys as well so bumping it now and then is probably better for now.