Pirates Make Terrible Mistake Approached Boat at 'Great Speed' Missed One Very Important Detail Oops, Pirates Rush French Military Ship (May 4) - The French Navy said they seized 11 pirates Sunday after they apparently mistook a French military vessel for a commercial ship and made a run at it off the coast of Kenya. Two pirate assault boats approached the Nivose "at great speed," Capt. Christophe Prazuck said, but a French helicopter intervened before the attackers had time to fire at the French navy ship. http://news.aol.com/article/pirates....com/article/pirates-seized-near-kenya/462608
Thats nice lol... i guess the french ships aren't that impressive looking or IDK how you could mistake that.
They prolly had a huge head on there shoulders from there recent triumphs, has anyone noticed that this has become a real deal problem of late? It seems the "pirates" are ever more violent and ruthless to get there booty :0 and treasure! arggg! but srsly...