Browsing the web before class, I came across this news story. Forget guns, real men solve their disputes with swords.
one night i was pulled over by 6 cops because they thought i was a kid who had just killed his parent with a sword when they got into a fight.
I was just a little taken aback by the article. It's not everyday that you here about people dieing from wounds sustained in a sword fight.
lol what after the old lady jumped in they just kept pokin away? and yea i wanna hear the violent video games excuese but i would much rather hear someone say if i didnt have the violent games i know i wouldnt have been able to keep my anger under control this long, but then again that would just be cast off as him being crazy
wow that store sucks on customer service, just calling the cops on everyone who walks in like that on another note if you rob a store with knife or sword and you get shot youc an sue them right?
lol I don`t know if proportionate force applies in that situation. Guns can be more humane if you`re trying to kill someone but a sword is just more honorable.
is it really more honorable? sure more manly cause you see their eyes and facial expressions as you fight them, but when you finally land a finishing blow they roll around on the ground crying out before they die....