its just not possible, regardless of what they say, im no expert on Onlive, but i do know how our little series of tubes works, and theres no way its possible to pull this off. there is no way to route that much data so quickly, while being reliable. the QoS alone would kill it. and without QoS... well.. what happens when the packet with that all-important click gets lost? D: video can work this way because QoS is utterly unnecessary, it use UDP. but Onlive will have to be reliable, and therefore slower. *Expert Opinion* edit; also, me and a friend were discussing it, and have decided that it may be possible on a pure fiber line, with optical switches and the whole shebang all the way from client to server. but its really unworkable otherwise.
data rates aren't there for cable infrastructure... but phase shifted fiber optics definitely could handle this. guess we just have to wait till they're everywhere
we'll have to wait and see. it is posible. i know that there will be lags, and if the internet conection is down,ouch. if they pull it off. its good becuase it will be cheap. you dont need to spend X amount of money in a end game pc/console. if you just can use a mmo fee to play, with you old pc and tv. basicaly its a hd stream movie, or a live HD TV broadcast. i do think this is the future of gaming. but it will take a couple more years to be sucsefull. the problem i think will be with online gaming.
wasn't this topic dead? im sure i recall it being dead. infact, im quite certain it was dead its a dud technology that going to get everyone excited then they are gonna be mad when it doesn't work then aggravated ex-Xbox live screamers, betrayed onlive fanboys and perturbed 40-year-old shut-ins with a gun fetish that cant afford awsome computers because their mommy wont raise their allowance and for a brief moment, experienced a spark of hope in their otherwise dismal lives, are going to descend on the Onlive peoples head office then tar and feather them. wont someone think of the chickens? D:
The only thing that concerns me about this is. As a consumer I purchase the game and then I have to pay to play it on their servers? So I'm being doubled dipped? That's crazy.
and of course, you own nothing, >_> so they can freely discontinue games that you were in the middle of and just credit your account
seeing as most of the games here are multi-only, how does you "owning" a copy provide much more than the limited continuation on a private server for games that support it
Limited continuation of private servers? I don't think it's so limited. You can find Quake 1 servers running even today, so I'd say there's quite a bit of longevity for many online games (excluding MMOs).
Word arrived that OnLive is now being backed financially by AT&T