Oh you don't even understand. Tazildanda has been completely unique for nearly 5 years now, this is the first time it has been taken.
I understand your pain, years before the LOTRO movie came out I was Aragorn. After the first movie came out, it took a whole week for my name to go from awesome and obscure book reference (one could argue it's a well known book trilogy but hardly anyone knew at the time) to what a 12 year old kid would take as a name. That said I think all of us are on the PvP server, would be nice to make a list or something. Anyone else went premium? Hit 7 last night and had too much fun so I paid for 1 month. I also joined the biggest guild (Not that it means much right now) but if there is a decent amount of XoO members playing we could make XoO over there. Let's make a list of the premium members. See who would be interested. - Norrak - ?
so this is a paid open beta after level 7? wtf? lol. good lurd.. I hope this trend doesn't catch on. edit: My bad, I didn't read low enough on the main page. I still dislike that.. why call it OB then? =P
Basically the payment and game servers and the website in general is getting a stress test while people try the game until level 7. I don't really like the Open Beta title either, I would have used a Preview Event or something similar.
I strongly suggest this game for anyone who is looking for a decent stable mmo. The combat system is just fantastic, the classes are awesome, and there is even some need to have some fps skill for the game. I know there are a few of us now who are going to probably be paying for the game, so if interested hit us up. Tazildanda Ugandadanda Korind Fallback
For now I am part of Origins in House Maul, but if there are a lot of people from XoO playing we could create a XoO Division I guess. We'll wait and see for now, considering Origins is by far the best guild on the PvP server right now i'd rather wait. Today Acclaim had a giant FFA fight event with a few 3 month subscription prize. Was a lot of fun actually, got to meet the Lead Developer and the rest of the team. Two members of Origins won the event, one being level 17 which was quite surprising. Highest level right now is 27 and he only got 1 level today so it seems to be taking a long time to level to 50. Not that it's boring or anything, there is no grind. Message me in-game and add me to your friend list. I can send an invite for Origins your way as well. Name is Norrak.
Taz. . . I tried to add u ingame but your name didn't show - which server are you on? Which version of the game are you on?
I'm on the pvp server....maybe try without cap letters? v. I will check files, see if there is an update I am missing. I am unable to add people to my friends list as well, maybe we can only add people when they are online?
Personally with the string of shitty mmos recently, I think it is one of the very few that are worth the subscription. Hell it was a free download and I am enjoying it more than games I've payed $50 for.