Getting the ball rolling for our guild on the official community forums. If you're interested, think you might become interested or have ever watched a Star Wars movie (I have all of you now. . . ) head over to their site and register. Once you've done that, pop into our guild recruitment thread and show some love.
lol...i love bioware and i think their next game Dragon age:Origins will be grate. but for some reason im not so sure about ToR. i picture it like a guild wars game with the star wars ToR theme and i loved GW and im waiting for GW2. but for some reason there is something odd, and the fact that every one will be a jedi and how about the pvp. im still in the wait and see part.
I love star wars games but this one I don't think will go very far outside the fan bois. Once the payment method was announced I officially stopped caring about the game.
Roger that. When they announced it was micro transaction, my interest almost completely stopped. F2p communities on the whole, suck. I'm still keeping an eye on it, just not really excited.
omg MT? noooooo! this is the first time I'm hearing about it. damn.. wow, that really sucks. ahh.. I guess its not that big of an issue for me.. the fact that I get the feeling it will play like LotRO is what killed it for me. (of course that's just 100% speculation) Knowing it's going to Micro Transactions is like kicking a dead horse XD
Me too - since when was it confirmed as being MT based? If so then I feel like posting in that damned Recruitment thread that XoO wont support MT games. . . stupid system!!
how are they setting up this MT system? does that mean there will still be a free version and maybe pay to jedi?
here's what I could dig up Nothing new this year from what I can tell. Tons of new fourm threads that don't like the idea, but no response from a dev (that I saw). vote no here!
I made a post on the recruitment thread I really hope Bioware pulls this off Im so tired of the fantasy setting. Not even playing much DnD lately been playing world of darkness.
glad to see XoO in ToR. I was looking for a good guild and nothing better then my old GW guild hehe. Microtransactions havn't been confirmed at all. No payment methods have been confirmed for the game yet.
I'm probably one of the biggest star wars geeks on here... But if it's MT based, then sorry, I'm out.
I hope its true but one thing I've found about stuff this serious is that if its rumored it means its true. At least with MMO's. I don't see how they'll pull it off so I hope they'll pull their heads out of their asses before its too late.
Micro-transaction means they will have to have a free trial up very early after release, probably on the first day. So I'm not going to rule it out until I've had a chance to play it. If it is MT, Bioware might pull off the first decent MT MMO.
I'm confused by this statement. If its MT that means you play for free but buy random crap. So technically there would be a "free trial" the second the server comes up. From the looks of it nep there's supposed to be tons of jedi so that would be funny as hell just seeing everyone with lightsabers and nothing else.
Unless they limit new members at the start for some reason, like the servers being overloaded. But if they don't have clothes, where would they put their lightsaber when they aren't using it ? Actually, don't answer that question.