I like it, text is easy to read and I think it goes well with the black. Stuff is looking absolutely amazing. Nice work.
I dislike the black with dark colored text. if you have any light in your room or office, it can make focusing on the text extremely difficult. (If I used these colors on a powerpoint presentation, I'd probably get an F.) Right now, I have to turn the brightness up to max just to read these forums. How about a choice of themes? I've been on many other forums that have multiple color themes. A dark and a light version, using the same color scheme would make everyone happy if they could choose the one they wanted in their control panel.
I like it now When it first changed i was like "OMFG I@M GOING BLIND!!!" Then when I come back everythings all nice and orange and easy to read and smoother
I like these colours, keep 'em IMO Just can't find my Post reply button now, but thats partly due to the WindowBlinds skin I'm using ¬_¬
Dark grey text on black is hard to read. Give it some more contrast. Also the orange text isn't so good because it is too similar to the default colour for a visited link, leading to confusion. Orange box around the posting window is unsightly when surrounded by the dark grey. With all the dark areas, the white for text entry boxes is a bit bright.
I really like it, Dash. It's very streamlined and compact...Just the way I like it. Maybe a little wider would be nice, but I can't complain about the colours.
Yes, wider would be good. Would it be possible to have the width of a post take up the full width of their window, regardless of what size it is ?
did i hear somebody say dash was tweaking? dash is a tweaker, dash is a tweaker, dash is a tweaker.....TWEAKER!!!!!!!
its back to default, once I get a bit of coding help from our resident badass Jeb we should be able to transfer a new layout over.