Fallen Earth Closed beta :D

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Binary, Feb 6, 2009.

  1. Binary

    Binary Veteran

    yeah only Friday to Sunday is 24/7 :D Login Server , Patch Server , Character Selection Server & Game Server all online

    Monday to Thursday only 14 hours uptime.
  2. It's not bad at all unless you are a foreigner. Gives me time to wake up in the morning and study at night =P
  3. i am kinda confused as to what im doing ... i selected pvp melee / riffles and ran a few missions and still got no clue whats goin on
  4. Let's all take over the darkfall channel. It's against the NDA to talk about this stuff here.
  5. Binary

    Binary Veteran

    Yeah server uptime for me is @ 2am my time hehe till 4pm :D
  6. Binary

    Binary Veteran

    yeah it's quite confusing at start :D but what doubts you got? the beta forum got supa lots of info thou , your in game nick ? :D
  7. Erock of course :)
  8. Binary

    Binary Veteran

    Active IGN [ Bourne Techie ] - Profession [ ArmorCraft / Ballestic ] - Level [ 14 ]


    Retired IGN [ Lady Midget ] - Profession [ supa messy that made me reroll lol] - Level [ 11 ]
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2009
  9. Sokar - Weapon Smith/Trying to go Ballistic - level 7.

    Still have no idea what I'm doing for crafting lol
  10. Binary

    Binary Veteran

    ArmorCraft is a must so i suggest you take that up + Weaponary (maybe 2 handed ? since so many players atm going for Tools and knifes) Tools gives addtional tradeskill stats but low dps , dual knifes atm is the best for melee weapon choice in this closed beta, they have not tweaked the 2 hand weaps yet.

    My ArmorCraft is at 58 now and Ballestic still 19 going to level till 35 at least then i start on ballestic so atm am using dual knife.
  11. Visiontrip

    Visiontrip Veteran

    wtb beta key+++++
  12. Binary

    Binary Veteran

    This Event still going on →
    Abuse it !
  13. Visiontrip

    Visiontrip Veteran

    I can only send it to my own email once a day?
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2009
  14. throw your emails down and everyone can just send them to each other...think guys, think. =)
  15. prNu

    prNu Veteran Bless Online Member

  16. I've sent out probably 12 emails and haven't had one code...
  17. OH! BTW an agency which we are allied with in Global Agenda has a crew in FE. I've been talking to them and we might be able to get everyone together and make a filler guild for alpha. Would be fun to have more people to play with.

    Binary and I need more people!
  18. Mariusz

    Mariusz Veteran

    Got mine on the third e-mail, will d/l tonight.
  19. edit:

    Got a code.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2009
  20. this worked perfect, I got 4 keys from it for my wife and a few irl friends.

    the best way to get the most out of this is to make two FE forum accounts. you should have one already.. so just make another =P
    each account can send out vday cards... so it doubles the chance for a code to pop.

    Since I have all I need, you all can spam me vday cards, and if one pops I will forward it back to you. Just be sure to put your email in the "your name:" box, so I know where to send it.

    regnaw@gmail.com, vknid1@gmail.com, nosminder@gmail.com, nosmeaux@gmail.com, nosmode@gmail.com, regnawzzons@gmail.com, vknid@hotmail.com

    edit: I sent cards to everyone elses emails.. the ones listed anyways
    edit2: FYI you can send to more then one email at a time.. just separate with a comma ( , )
    edit3: It seems we really don't need to use other peoples emails.. just use one email, over and over.. you just have to log out and back in each time =P doing so just netted me 3 extra keys.. if anyone wants one.. PM me
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2009