Best thing for chaos is bowzon with maphack imho, ebotd multishot and MA switchoff for Phys immune totally slays anything before it sees you. I mean, if you're considering hammerdin then why not maphack MS/MA zon, same old cheese =P
...ebotd. I dunno. I usually only consider builds with equipment I either have or can actually get...
I don't get your sig. is the d missing from the word name or are you like stating that swifthawk is a e-pimp name
My characters are run on drops. Even If I had something valueable, I wouldn't know if it would be worth trading for anything phenominally awesome.
There are some items that aren't that obviously valuable, but if you know the Diablo 2 stat system reasonably well you should have a fair idea.
has anyone had a summon necro with tonnes of + skill items? are they any good in hell, and at bosses?
I don't at all. I have to rely on friends to twink me out And I currently have no friends on diablo. My current claws are SO shitty.
If played right, they can potentially solo hell with less difficulty than other classes. Hell, a summoner can play the game naked and once you add on equipment they are one of the easiest toons to play through the game with.
Good news is, I can kill up to normal mode diablo Still, that's kind of sad that's all I can do at level 51.
Ah. Wonder if I can find you. Also, depending on class, build can be a fair part of it as well. Assassins require a little less care than some, but there are still ways to throw away skill points.
I'm just pumping into the fire traps. Lightning next. I'l probably be done with the build by 80, where I can dump into some random shit. For the lulz.
A summon necro is the most minmaxed character in the game. Here's my rough memory of the stats: Req: 20sk mastery 20sk 1claygol 1golmast 1sumresist 1skmage 1revive 1ampdmg Total: 46pts With a 46 pt requirement for end game this leaves a fuckload of ability to go for addons, with the remaining 60 you get by about level 90-100 you could put 20 into all the bone defense skills and have a 800 or more dmg absorbtion which you can rapid recast, adding all defensive gear seeing as you don't need anything else and also seeing as your main stat should be vit, it's not hard to imagine the defensive power in hardcore. Every point into your damage also boosts your skeletons and therefore your defense. Here's the kicker, it's only weakness is Physical Immune, and the only thing that strips it is AMP DMG. GG D2! Also, remember that in the end game that all summons are effected by the aura, so... CTA, beast, wisp projector, bramble, harmony/pride/azurewrath, and it's not hard to see a necro pull off a solo pallyway. Add decent fastcast and enigma to that and you teleport with your minions surrounding in a dense circle shield you as you go, it's easy to see why they are a major force to be reckoned with.
I got my frenzy barb up to 22 the other day on west. And started a wind druid on east. level 10 currently... Not sure how to really spec him, I just know that I love using hurricane to rape tons of mobs
You can get hurrican as early as 20ish? Damn, I need to make a druid now. I need to work off the 11 day expiration date on my sorc first, though.
yeah funny thing, I come back after like 6 months of not playing, the only toon that is expired on the west account is the 46 hurricane druid... I was like wtf mate... lol But no, you get hurricane at like level 30. If you guys know of any builds let me know, because I want to remake my hurricane druid... Maybe also a sorc for mf'ing... But all of this is non ladder anyways... so meh..
Uh. Hurricane builds are pretty restrictive for optimal effect, and hurricane is only available by level 30. It only gets really good by about 35ish. The build is: Arctic Blast 1 Cyclone Armor 20 (optional, but you're going to want it) Twister 20 Tornado 20 Hurricane 20 For a total of 81. So it doesn't get finished early, but not incredibly late. After that it's your choice; personally I'd start dumping points in oak sage, although you may want a bear as well. P.S. I use a hurricane druid on East for MFing actually; they appear pretty good for that because gear doesn't really matter. Handles pit, river of flame, chaos sanct etc pretty well - only place you'd really need to be careful is durance (undead flayers) and sometimes worldstone keep, if the aforementioned flayers or gloams spawn. You'll probably survive gloams ok if you keep recasting cyclone armor, but it is possible to get overwhelmed (they do 1800 damage quite fast!) so don't get overconfident.