I already bought a pair, but wanted to know what you guys thought were some of the best for a decent price. Nothing over $100. not sure which of these I like best http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826249016 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826235001
I know about 8 people that use these http://www.medusa-usa.com/medusa-51-progamer-edition-v2-p-896.html and have for about 4 years, the sound is fantastic. For me however, with my big ears they are a bit uncomfortable after a few hours. But I have never heard a single bad thing about them.
you know I was thinking about getting those, but heard somewhere that I need a splitter or something because I live in the US - different plugs
there are different versions, the link I sent was the US version, no splitter needed. they used to use a clunky sound box as well which is no longer the case, thus the V2.
Strictly for gaming? No. the difference is the home edition has that input box that allows you to connect multiple source devices.
Kyoji, learn to headphones. nub. Sennheiser or none at all: heres for the prices you posted. http://www.sennheiserusa.com/newsite/productdetail.asp?transid=500926
http://reviews.cnet.com/headphones-headsets/sennheiser-hd457/4505-6468_7-20656469.html best headphones ever. Cheap. Extremely comfortable. Sound Great. Cancel out most noises.
I heard a lot of good things for senn I hear these were really good as well. http://reviews.cnet.com/headphones/sennheiser-hd555/4505-7877_7-30822851.html?tag=mncol;also if anyone is wondering what I bought... I bought the steelseries. I wanted to try out the 5.1 sound. =P
well Darkfall said you would be able to "hear" people coming up from behind a little so directional sound would be great...if it worked...guess ill see.
i have these http://www.steelseries.com/us/products/audio/siberia-full/information in white ... never had a problem with em ... i just broke the mic clip after about two years of use and just ghetto rigged it for now
best ones i have ever found are the cyber snipa 5.1 surround sound headset, the first one i got had the mic dmged and when i sent them back the sight that i bought them from didnt carry them anymore and the ones from the main interwebs page were out of my price range at the time
Is that actually circumaural or just supra-aural? I'm kind of sick of the latter... can't wear them for any decent length of time. I spotted one headset on Sennheiser's site that definitely was, but it was $250... which makes me think twice.
not really i hate the mics that u can see when u look down a bit this one just clips onto the cord and is a great mic no1 has problems with my mic ever so