Moon hit me up on the PS3 and we can kill those terrorists together. You should have beat down your soon to be ex-husband when you saw that 17 year old imo, I bet the judge would be on your side.
I hope your situation improves. Break up are tough. I know because I'm gonig through one right now and it feels like a divorce. I haven't been to Tenn in a long time. I'm making a trip otu there this year to first a long time friend of mine. Its going to be weird and sweet at the same time.
Lol, you're all hypocrites. Tell me at some point in your life, you won't think about banging some high school piece of ass (legally of course). NOW who's creepy!
Well it is not like im old im only 24 and she is a fucking dog to make it worse i could understand if she was hot!
N/m then, if she's ugly as sin.. he's still not creepy, just desperate. That should cheer you up then.
Moon is charming..I fell in "love" with her in SL... .hhhmmm..maybe thats why my wife of 17 years left me last week? for wife left..xoo sipo. I hope to get her back. Ive also been studying budda teachings in sl....its helped me see where I went wrong I am attending classes in SL with real monks..they have real world temples..but none close to me..its helping me see what I did wrong. Ill never reach nirvana..but peace of mind will be enough for now. (sobs) Moon as for him with a 17 yo..he wants one that looks up to him..thinks he is wise....(lol a 30 yo wise)..he can control her. When he saw you growing up into a real scared him.
I honestly can't tell, are you fucking serious or what? Did your wife actually leave you? Cause that's sad dude, I don't think i'd be playing SHITLIFE (lol sorry) if that happened.
A romantic relationship is a worldly possession of the heart. Remember to check out meditation centers as well, I know that between meditation centers and temples both buddhist and hindu there's at least 20 in your state alone, but they are all centered around tampa, miami and orlando so if you live 1-200KM out of the way and that's too far for you then I guess you should either keep looking for a group near you or meditate silently. There's a pretty cool meditation center up here, they fund food and lodgings for 2 weeks of silent no eye contact meditation for anyone to partake in.
Yes my wife did leave me...16 years more than 8 days apart in all that time. So this is very hard for me now. After she left.I went into her PC,followed her bookmarks and read up on buddha..I started here. After that I searched SL and found some real world Temples that have schools in SL. I found a teacher, Bhante'(abbot) thats helped me very much. xoo Sipo and I meet each day in SL to talk. She is Aja Tenk in SL..I am Ditto Turbo in SL. We sat with my Bhante' (abbot) last night in SL, he helped us make a lot of progress. He helped us make more progress in one hour, than all the time we have spent talking in 4 days. I attend a few meditation classes in SL each day. Most are 30 minute sessions but i usually stay longer. I also attend buddhist classes in sl each day..I have a Bhante'(abbot) in SL who has helped me very much. He has real world temple to attend but he finds time for us in SL each day. Also my friends in SL have helped a lot,thanks for being there for me xoo Moon...xoo Tragic...xoo Jerimiah.(ronin) SL is all about you all are my friends here. Its just more immediate and intimate and personal than these forums. In jacksonville there are no temples...I hope to go on retreat soon in hour or so away. Ive learned much about myself and life within the temples in the age of 52 I thought I had a handle on life. Now I am on the path, learning to think right and cause no harm to others or myself with my actions and words. I have a long way to go. All in SL...think what you may...but it's not a game. I have also stopped drinking,with the help of Buddha's Dharma (teachings)
Doctorie good luck with the classes together. It doesn't matter what form of communication that is used, as long as effective. I hope that you will be able to get things worked out with your wife.
Hey Moon hows the underground poker games going in second life? I suck at poker so I wont be playing..unless you want to play strip poker
There are a lot of things to do with Buddhism's spirituality which I do not agree with as a whole, but I certainly agree with as thought concepts, or more realistic systems of man-made spirituality, like that the earth generates a magnetic field and so do our brains, so that magnetic field must do something, if not now than later in the evolutionary line. Remember that young T-Rex's had feathers, and eventually dinosaurs turned into birds, so imagine what humans could turn into by sprouting magnetic fields, even if we do not understand the brain at this time.