Why do we not have a division for it? My brother recently started playing it, and my god, the game looks and plays amazing. I admit, I tried it a little bit couple days ago when he was playing. I was astonished at how well done the game is from when I tried it way back in alpha. The graphics are amazing, they have dx10 support as well. Even my 7900GS can play on Very High details. It feels so well done, and yes it *might* look like it is a wow clone, but actually playing both, it definitely is not a clone. It isn't striving to BE WoW, but rather be up there in WoW's standards. So my question is to you, why did we never have a division for this?
Now that I think of it, we did have a short lived division, but I feel this game is under the shadows of WoW and WAR in hype, but it really is a decent game. What I am asking, is what about starting the division back up again? Is there any interest? Anyone still playing?
Yeah, well I knew you would. But it's not like it follows the movies, it is your own quests, with some of the main movies as you pass by
seeing how we forgot to cancel our acounts and just got billed another 77 buck..I may try it another 3 months.
Graphics are good like AoC. Not sure how the game plays. I never got into it because it's LotR. I haven't seen a single LotR movie and couldn't be arsed to. Ganandorf the Gray... lol.
You don't have to watch the movies to play this game. This game has nothing to do with the movies, except for sometimes when you cross paths, but thats about it. They just released Mines of Moira, which if you buy, you get both the original and the xpack, don't have to buy both of them. Also, when you hit level 10, you can do something called monster play. You get destiny points every time you level on your "good" toon. Which go to your "evil" toon, to level them up/upgrade them. You get to choose a member of Saurons forces which start at level 60, and you go and harass the "good" players called Freeps, or free people, while they are questing, etc.. Basically it's their version of PvP, which is actually pretty cool. There are objectives and such to take, etc.. Also, if you ever get bored, in the Shire, you can level up your chicken. You get to play as a chicken and do chicken quests etc.. So there should never be a reason to be bored.
I played the free trial a while back. It's a good game, well made, and the typical fantasy MMO. I definitely enjoyed it but meh. I may do the free trial again.
You should try asking people on vent, lots of people on there never even look at the forums, even more in-game in the separate divisions as well.
I'm sure you mean Mithrandir... But, yes, you're absolutely right, there are more fitting light-hearted movies for men of your character... such a Mamma Mia maybe? Sex in the City? j/k Rubius, I just had to say it.
XoO fails ! Thats why. We are to spread out on to many titles and not enough numbers to supports them. Every time a new game releaase everyones drops a division and moves somewhere else. Do they have a trial I will give the game a shot?
Nishua fails. LOTRO was a good game when it came out accept for higher levels. Not much to do. I'm surprised the game lasted so long, hopefully by this point they have fixed the content issues. The game in itself was one of the best MMOs I've played.
Yeah, with the release of the expansion, apparently they reworked and added tons of stuff. Right now, from what I can tell, the trial system is down at the moment, but I know a place where you can get a trial key for like 2 bucks or something.