Looks like Amazon is going the Blizzard route and making one of everything. Anyone have any info on these? Breakaway and New World sound interesting to me
Haven't heard any information about this ~ other than the fact Amazon was hiring devs recently. I imagine they will be double AA games that we might see one of next year? I can't imagine them having a product so fast if the studio is new.
Yeah I think they are trying to cover a lot of bases at once for sure, unless they use the same engine for everything. For better or worse I heard they have hired a bunch of arenanet guys
Not bad considering they made EQ/EQ2/Planetside 1/Planetside 2/SW Galaxies. Which they likely made a return on their investment. Plus anytime you can make a studio and then proceed to sell it to another company later - you likely made some amount of capital. Certainly not Blizzard amount but hey - I doubt anyone is going to touch Blizzard in a while. Now if only they were around in the kickstarter age. Smedley could have milked the pockets of eager people even sooner.
Lol seriously. NFC how these games keep getting $10k backers.... although wasnt Landmark basically a kickstarter game?
Basically was; non-public mind you so we couldn't see any totals. I don't know how many people bought in mind you since the MMO crowd was more interested in EQ Next rather than landmark. Landmark was more of a EQ minecraft thing.
Yeah as soon as I saw Landmark come out where they tried to basically crowdsource the world building for EQ Next I was like "either this will be awesome of vaporware" At least Blizzard took their Titan material and morphed into Overwatch which has become a certified hit