Are you over 18?: YesDo you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?: YesWhat previous gaming experience do you have?: been playing bdo from release dateWhat is your time zone?: alaska standerd timeWhat times are you regularly able to play?: sunday , mon , tue , wed , thurs, friday sat, 530pm - 10pmDo you have a member referral?: MinaAkira (Kitzy)Do you prefer PvE or PvP and why?: bothWhere did you hear about us?: from kitzyWhy do you want to join Xen of Onslaught?: freinds are in guildWhat is your main character's name?: WarMunki but will be changing it to VulousWhat is your family name?: warmunki but will be changing to VulousWhat is your main class?: MusaWhat is your main character's AP?: 217What is your main character's DP?: 263Can you make most Node Wars times on the weekend?: yes, and will let you know if cant make it to wars