I get up today and get ready for work like every normal Saturday. As I put my things in my backseat, thats when I noticed the glass. Someone had smashed my window but did not take ANYTHING AT ALL. I was so fucking pissed. Apparently there were 4 different cars hit on my block and like another one on the other street beside mine. They did not take any valuables other than clothes apparently. One lady that had her back window smashed, had a $5 mirror taken and a bag with some clothes in it, only to find it couple doors down on the next persons lawn who got their car smashed. Get to my car. Window is smashed, but NOTHING is MOVED at ALL. It is like they smashed the window, then just left. So, luckily the people who do the window repair thing, saw that all 4-5 of us were going with the same company to get it fixed, they knocked like 25 bucks off each persons bill. Mine was the cheapest at 150 bucks to replace. Oh well, guess I get to wait for my new 9800GT then... sigh..
Sorry to hear that. This isn't the first time I see you've been a victim of crime. Where do you live?
Sadly enough, in a very upscale decent neighborhood. But they didn't take anything from the other people, My XM was sitting on my dash, nothing was moved in my car, but if something was taken, it was clothes from other people.
that blows, you better start planting some traps so next time they won't get away without losing a leg or two!
lol no doubt... Was thinking of setting up some cameras with night vision to tape everything that goes on at night on our street. There is no Street Lamp between the corner and 4 houses down. So the corner right by my house has one, but only illuminates the 4 way. Then 4-5 houses down there is another one.
Oh brother, I know how you feel man, some dick face didn't shoulder check, caused me to veer into a curb, smashed my wheel, bent the frame of my car and fucked the wheel axl. I was getting $1000 to expand my musical equipment and buy a new vid card for my PC, and now it's ALL going into the repairs on my car, which is gonna cost somewhere around $1200, the guy who almost hit me kept going and never stopped, which means I have to pay for everything. It's pretty fucking stupid man. I now also have no car for another week.
Isn't the whole point of insurance to cover you when shit like this happens? T.T I feel for you mate, hopefully you get some kind of compensation or a check from the insurance.
I guess it depends where you live, where I live I have never had a problem with car vandalism. Although it did happen it Rutgers but that was to steal someones books or stereo, not for shits and giggles.
They think it was a Transient actually. But no, I have to eat the whole thing, because I have a 500 deductable on my insurance, and the window was 150. pos mother fucker as well. Didnt even RUMAGE through my car, looks like he broke the window, and either A) was interrupted or B) Was being a dick and just smashed it for no reason Still pisses me off. Oh well, shit happens. We aren't in a bad neighborhood either, its just some random shit that has happened. In my 22 years living at home, never had anything like this happen before. Now it happens 2x to our cars, and 4 others down the street 2x in one year... Fucking economy..
Don't blame the economy. Anyone who blames this on someones financial situation is just plain dumb. They didn't even take anything so its just some just some dumbass kids being assholes. I feel for ya man. I've had this happen a couple times cept every time they steal something worth less than the window. Hell the last time the fucking door was unlocked cause I was tired of getting my shit broken. Course all that was in the car was some burned CD's, which they took.
I love people who steal cds, especially burned ones. thats just to piss the owner off because they aren't worth jack.
UPDATE: Just found out my car insurance was about to be cancelled, because the ass jacks at Geico for some reason couldn't get funds out of my account from last month, (So I just NOW find out about it) which is bull because I have the funds. So now I am out ANOTHER 160 bucks on top of this 150... @#!@!!! Makes me want to punch a baby...