So im getting my Daughter into gaming and she's been having fun with Torchlight 2, Diablo 3, and various single player RPG's/Worldbuilding games (Spore, Civ5 etc). Now i got us a nice Tabletop RPG Boardgame(D&D The Legend of Drizzt) and the store manager dropped some Magic intro packs in our bag. My daughter is hooked, and got me hooked again also. So here i am trying to get back into magic, via MTGO, on a massive budget. I remember a few yrs ago people here were playing, so im kinda hoping a few still are and can help me out a bit with where and how to get set up and get some cards to play with.
I stopped playing Magic about 3 years ago Sadly. I don't think I have heard of anyone playing in Team Speak. Dt
i remember Kyoji playing with some people long long time ago, but havent seen a MTG channel in a while, thats why im asking on the forums.
Who on earth plays MTG online? The best experience is to play in person either with a good group of friends or at a gaming store.
I haven't played in quite some time and when I do I usually play classic mode so I don't have to re-purchase all the new cards in between my playing. If you want to play a match or two let me know and I can hop online. Currently I am just messing around with World of Tanks and World of Warships to pass the time.