Hey guys, Do we have HOTS players now that the game's live ? I like to play it, it's fast and fun and headache free. Player base is pretty nice too compared to other MOBAs full of raging ginger kids. Lemme know if we have players and we could, at least, try to play together
Yea sorry about Last night Trice. I'll make sure me and Gabe give you some good pointers. My anger was just too much now that they took me off some of my meds.
I did not get that from the matches we played felt like normal matches, with me running around trying to heal everyone and getting into bad positions that allow me to be gang banged
You would have heard.. Fuck fuck fuck.. Where is he going... shit.. converge on him.. Dude we are 3 levels behind... who cares we may pick someone off.. fuck.. Shit... we dead.. fuck it.. soak... ok this game is over =P
LOLOL that was me trying to figure out which lane should I heal and just following people around like a true 100% home grown NUBLET!
Hey everyone? What's all this then? If any of you guys want to play with the best Valla this side of the Border, hit me up! PhoenixDog#1847