Sexy Long Range Fighter... for a low... low... price of $249.99. Comes with free awesomesauce.
Im considering melting my RSI Orion for this since Heavy Fighters are my thing, especially in Warthunder... but at the same time, do i really want to lock myself in a combat only role since i plan on not spending anymore money on SC ($350)
For the first time in a very long time, I'm considering spending even more on this game. This would get me concierge....
I'm considering melting my Redeemer but it's my pledge pack and would have to buy a cheap pledge pack ship too. Decisions.... Decision
Sorted out my ship melting so I didn't have to buy another pledge package and scored myself a Vanguard.
If I was to melt I would be locked into combat only ... Super Hornet ... Scout ... AMD Mustang ... Carrack ... Will have to do
I want it but I dont want to spend another $80 after melting my super hornet. I guess I will just have to relieve another citizen of their life and ownership status in the verse.
I'll buy all the ships I like when I make money in-game with my cargo ships. That's the plan that saves me from spending more money now.
People are still spending money on ships ? With what i've seen from Arena Commander he's not getting one cent from me till the full game's released and deserves it. EDIT by Saffaya : This is the public section, stay polite.
You are entitled to your own point of view of course. The project is humming along nicely and I hope you'll be convinced when it launches.
This I didn't realise..... From 10 from the producers a week ago. Is very cool though. RadiantFlux Asks: Will we be able to retract the wings in space? The Hornet and the Vanguard, for example, have retractable wings, but currently it looks like as if they were meant to be extracted for space flight. DV: The vanguard and hornet have a "swing wing" configuration, but in space there's no atmosphere to create drag, so swinging them back won't have an effect of lowering a drag coefficient allowing them to fly faster. So in the case of the vanguard I went to a designer, Calix R, and he replied that there will be a button to toggle whether you want the wings to deploy on the vanguard. On the wing-tips there are thrusters though, so if you want to go really fast, you could swing the wings back to point the thrusters rear-ward to go quicker, but if you want manoeuvrability when they're fully deployed, there is more "leverage" so the craft can change direction more quickly, but it does increase your cross-sectional signature, so more susceptible to getting hit, though increasing your axial rotation.