Looks like a nice arena shooter. It is strange to see so many new games coming up for the genre after all this time of it being dead. I hope the game plays nice, it would be fun to play within FPS.
From the movie they played before they showed gameplay thought blizzard was going to try a superhero game but then it ended up just another Arena shooter with the other 200 shooters released every year. Actually wouldn't surprise me if that's what Titan was and what we see for this game are stuff they had all ready done for Titan before they canned it. Specifically the movie at least, that had to cost enough that they wouldn't want to wast it and seems a little overblown for an arena shooter intro.
Looks like a TF clone but maybe with some LoL Heroes management thing. We'll see how it goes, usually Blizzard get their stuff right.
What I don't understand is this: Why are so many companies trying to create "NEW" IPs that are quite nakedly clones of things already on the market? Do they think that Heroes of the Storm is going to outpace DOTA and League just because they have officially-licensed Blizzard heroes? It's gross. Also, what happened to REAL MMOFPS games? Games which had PvE, open worlds, etc. but were dependent on FPS skills... Man, I'm bitter.
And that is why the CoD series is now crap. People know the game is going to suck but buy it anyway because its "name brand". If people would stop buying crap, console players excluded they don't know better, we might actually get some good games on PC. Well that or they'll just blame crappy sales on piracy.
looks something that will be fun to play but not something you spend more than 2 hours playing like Hearthstone or get really into
They know it will never outpace Dota, what they want is the same thing they got from Hearthstone, a game that is fun to play every once in awhile that will cause players to go back to Warcraft/Starcraft/Diablo out of nostalgia, Get more people using Battlenet and for newer video gamers who may find this game to be their Blizzard gateway drug Plus i bet the guys at Blizz are fucking tired of the same 3 damm IPs....
Honestly I love WoW/Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo to death. Hearthstone was a great addition and Overwatch looks to be quite good if it can following in the right business model. My biggest issue is that Heroes of the Storm just looks weird and out of place with the mismatch of characters from different IPs. It hurts my eyes.