Tonight the Star Citizen Division, looked at our clocks and said.... So after ensuring the continued dominance of the male patriarchy for another 5 years by raping every living thing in a 10 mile radius, we decided it was time to assert our dominance over the PS2 Division. At around 8Pm, Our glorious leader Doc the Cockness Monstr, gathered the greatest heroes of our time, CockStroke69 (Dag), Rag13 (Skittles), Chaito, and even summoned the mighty PoopDemonBountyHunter (Neverdie) to cleanse this land of the False Idols, MasterChaif and Imb0r3d. After infiltrating their Hidden Fortress, Rag13 learned of their plans to deploy at Indar Comm array. Our heroes summoned a magical space whale to transport them to the location where we were greeted with a tidal wave of zerglings but no sign of our prey. We then learned they had fled to half way around the world to escape us. Eventually they ran to another world where our heroes finally caught up with them at the Skyway. Twice In vain they tried to push the heroic and heavily over-popped defenders off their sacred ground and twice they were defeated. Much glory was gained that night as Cockstroke69 ripped Starwind's head clean off and shat down his throat. After slated our lust for buttfucking, we logged off PS2 and our heroes went their seperate ways. Also Regis was filming a porno involving Victus the WaffleStomper, Sek, A Chicken and some Taco Bell while all this was going on......expect to see that on VHS soon
Yes no sarcasm at All 100% true This was actually published in a peer reviewed article We only have the footage of us raping the squirrels