Dark Souls II PSN or STEAM names

Discussion in 'Other Games (Not Listed)' started by haibane, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. haibane
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Now that the game's been released (for 1 week) on PS3 and it'll soon be on PC, put ur names below if u're playing it, so we could get some friendliness in that brute world.

    I got it on PS3. ID is Haibane-X

    Don't plan to get it on PC.

    My builds order is :
    1 - Pure DEX build (current, quite tricky, aimed for bow usage mostly)
    2 - Magic build (to one shoot everything)
    3 - STR build with faith prolly (like a paladin with a big ass weapon)

    Also, we need to find a good info site for the game because darksouls II wiki is quite empty atm (but i guess it'll be as good as DS wiki in the long run). Trying to find the best light / medium armor atm.
  2. VakarisJ
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Nov 26, 2012
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    Whenever I'll be buying it on steam or not will depend on if it's good enough to be worth buying. I'll definitely play it tough.
    By chance it is worth the cash -- my steam name's the same as my username.
  3. haibane
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Bought the official strategy guide today, there's just too much hidden stuff and secrets in this game !!

    Honestly i couldn't recommend a game more than DS2, it's mind blowing (i think i'm at 75% of NG, lvl 104, got to stop a lil bit to find everything hidden that i missed).
  4. VakarisJ
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Nov 26, 2012
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    You know the word "wiki"? It has everything the strategy guide has and more. And it's free. If you're spoiling all the secrets for your self anyway, might as well look there instead of wasting cash.

    I don't see what all the hype is about anyway. Dark Souls was a fairly good game, but hardly the holy grail. It failed to deliver on what it promised -- difficulty, as there is none in that game. The central theme is death and yes -- you do die a lot, but you die just the same in other games like Mass Effect or even CoD on higher difficulty levels. Mobs dealing a lot of damage and soaking up a lot of hits isn't difficulty. Being able to collect everything you lost and charge at an obstacle again without any worries doesn't make the game any more difficult then one where you just hit F5 and F9 every 10 seconds. It's a decent game, but hardly revolutionary.

    From what I've seen Dark Souls 2 improved on some things (such as spell cast restoring items), but completely screwed up on others (such as enemy respawn caps). The only way I'll buy it is if they fixed the control scheme on PC, made DoF and AA optional, made it possible to use non-widescreen resolutions, made it hard to hack the game and promise to release proper patches removing or tweaking all the new mechanics that are blatantly ruining the game.

    The prime gripe is the mob respawn cap, which screws over experimentation, archery and PvP massively.

    Experimentation one speaks for it self -- you can't test anything, whenever it's which weapon is the best, effectiveness of boosts, parrying (and other game) mechanics or even that little jump which may or may not be possible and may cost you an effigy down the line.

    Archery is a costly endeavor -- if it's like DS1 and arrows still cost an arm and a leg to get. A DS1 example would be Moonlight butterfly. It gives you 10k souls for killing it, in addition to it's soul that gives 1,2k when consumed (or 8k when fed to the damn snake) and seeing as it's an early-game boss, you might take 100 arrows to kill it, given low stats and a +0 longbow. Each arrow can cost 50 souls, meaning it takes 5k souls to kill it as an archer. There go half of your earnings! What if you failed to kill it on your first try? What if you took it down to half-health twice before managing to kill it on your third try? That's 10k souls needed to get 11,2k. Meanwhile, the warrior and the mage have no such losses to their income, meaning that the archer has to farm to get the arrows. Except there is no farming when mobs don't respawn...

    PvP gets screwed over similarly to archery. In order to be competitive you need consumables (arrows, healing wares, spell recharging wares, equipment repairs, throwing knives, Lloyd talismans, cracked eye orbs, moss clumps, resins, firebombs, etc.), but in DS2, it seems that human enemies no longer drop souls, meaning you can't restock on consumables, without being forced to progress through the world and probably into NG+. And that isn't even the only game mechanic that screws over PvP...
  5. LeonardMcCoy

    Jul 31, 2013
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    Can't wait to get my hands on DS2 for PC. My Steam info should be accessible in my forum profile.
  6. haibane
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Mar 3, 2012
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    The wiki is totally empty right now. Only gamefaqs got stuff and it's quite a Putain to switch full the console to the pc every time.

    Now tho if you can't make a difference between dying in a fps and in dark souls I dint know what to tell you :)

    I'm an archer too here and it's completely different cost wise. 10 soul per arrow. Also you don't have bosses that you can Fall with a bow with a million arrows like before.

    The only problem is that there are, like, 5 bows in the game and you're stuck with the shirt bow for a while. Only the long bow and black hunter bow are better (maybe one from a boss but I killed all bosses but 2.and didn't see it yet).

    They changed a lot of things from previous games and it's much more balanced now.
  7. VakarisJ
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Nov 26, 2012
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    The only difference is that you have to run back to your corpse. Otherwise it's just the same F5 and F9, except the game takes a while to "load" while you're running to the corpse manually.

    It's not like Darkfall or Rust where death is actually meaningful, you don't really lose anything unless you fail to reach the bloodstain before you die again, which is almost impossible.

    DS1's arrow costs:
    Standard arrows: 3 souls
    Wooden arrows: 10 souls
    Large arrows: 50 souls
    Feather arrows: 100 souls
    Fire arrows: 100 souls
    Poison arrows: 100 souls
    Moonlight arrows: 500 souls
    Dragonslayer's arrow: 500 souls
    Gough's great arrow: 650 souls

    Standard arrows were fodder, they did shit damage and were generally worthless.
    Wooden arrows were your mook-killing arrows, relatively cheap, but only because the enemies never stopped respawning. One run around Undead Parish would net you 200 of these.
    Large arrows were your primary anti-boss weapon, dealing amazing damage, but having a shorter range and a rather massive cost.

    Feather arrows were made for sniping and didn't really have a use because Wooden ones did just as well and had 10 times lower cost.
    Fire arrows, Poison arrows and Moonlight arrows were generally a waste of souls, as they did little damage and had their damage output split, yet would cost a shitton.

    Dragonslayer's and Gough's arrows were only usable by the two Greatbows and were the only arrows to cause knockback, however their price was too high for fighting common enemies, they both had a setup time which made them useless in PvP and bossfights, and to top it off -- the bows had insane weight and strength requirements. Their only use was in making troll videos.

    I have to assume that those 10-soul costing arrows are the equivalent of Wooden arrows and aren't very useful outside of pulling mobs or sniping outside of their aggro distance. In addition -- no matter the arrow cost, it's still a cost for attacking. Casters and tanks don't have to pay 10+ souls on every single one of their attacks. It's not like in Dark Souls Estus Flasks cost 100 souls each or you have to worry about recharging your mana after every cluster of mobs.

    They should've upped arrow costs to 500-5000 and made buying an arrow be a permanent decision. Arrows should refill like Estus Flasks and spell charges.

    Also, in DS1, the only bows worth using were the Longbow (for int || faith builds), Bow of Pharis (for dex builds) and the Composite Bow (for quality builds).
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2014
  8. haibane
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Yeah but in a FPS u die, nobody cares.

    In DS u die, ALL MOBS RESPAWN, u got to run back to ur corpse WITHOUT DYING or u lose all ur souls.

    If that's not a difference... Then, ok bro, ur call.

    Wooden arrows is what u use but it doesn't take many for a dex build to kill peeps.

    Iron arrows is 30, poison and shit is around 40 to 60. Poison's good as it works on dragons and mobs with big pool, so u shoot a serie of 4 and wait. It'd be a good idea to have an arrow pool that refills but it's not their design choice. Also, bows don't break, unlike other weapons.

    Here u got 5 bows i think. Hunter Blackbow is, by far, the best for dex. U can imbue all of em with what u want tho (except poison & bleed on bows... but then u got arrows) to do magic / lightning / whatever, stat scaling changes too. There's also a ballista kinda bow, like in previous games for STR users but the arrows cost a ton. Finally there's an auto crossbow too (it doesn't scale tho).

    Right now i'm at that crap ass ancient dragon boss fight, it's just pityful. Dumb boss with a set routine but he insta kill u.
  9. VakarisJ
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Nov 26, 2012
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    You make it sound like the regular grunts are an actual threat... :D
    If fact, you can just run straight past them and no enemy other then Black Knights will ever even hit you. Same thing applies to most bosses too.

    If you die in an FPS, you go all the way from the last point you saved at, all enemies respawn, as if they were never killed and you don't gain anything by trying and failing to kill all of them, unlike in Dark Souls where you bloodstain gets more and more heavy each time you pick it up and die immediately after.

    The only enemies that you'll ever have issues running past in DS1, BKs aside, are skeleton wheels, skeleton swordsmen and dogs. Silver Knights, Sentinels, Imps, Common Hollows, Hollow Knights, Balder Knights, Giant Skeletons, Giant Cats, hostile NPCs, Slimes, Rats, Basilisks, Thieves, Blue Drakes, Darkwraiths. All of them can be simply run past without any issues. That makes death before reaching your bloodstain nearly impossible and an event that happens once every 200 hours, causing you to lose around 30 minutes of progress.

    The only factor in you not getting back your bloodstain is fall damage in DS1 and probably other players in DS2, as you can get invaded while hollow, and get invaded more frequently as your hollowness progresses. Doesn't stop you from just going offline though.

    Same can be said about every boss in Dark Souls. :D