Since the bastards decided that one big mega-server wasn't feasible, and switched to regional ones, I most likely won't be playing with you 'murrrcans :< I don't mind the latency too much (the latest beta test weekend was US mega-server only, and ran just fine), but I hate the shift in timezones. :/
That sucks. I thought the performance was pretty good for the majority of the weekend. it is also a pretty drastic change to their service so close to launch. But ya Sogetsu is right, we wont have an official supported division. We will however be getting an unofficial group together in game with all of us who are playing.
Pre ordered, but I am hopping at this point the Xoo part will be a group to play with and not a meta game at the beginning, at least till the game gets more defined.. and since we can be part of 5 guilds, it shouldn't be too bad. I just say this because I feel the last 5-6 games we have tried to get into we have done too much too fast and everyone leaves lol.
We can just start unsupported..have our subsection to discuss the game and a corner of TS. We can go from there and see what happens.
I'll give it a couple months and see if people are still actually playing the game and have good rvr feedback, then i'll join.
well like I said since we can be a part of 5 player guilds, we might as well at least start it just to make it easy to find each other and help each other with items or resources in the guild shop
I am also in. If we have some unsupported guild going on, send an invite. If not feel free to add me as friend. I'll swing by TS when I get on. Name: @Norrak
I guess the question is, is there a realm and guild anyone has started/joined so we can get together in game?
If you read some of the other threads here you will see a link to the guild we are all in is named "Onslaught".
Doh.... erm...look returning to undead from dead not all the brain cells are functioning right... I missed that... hmmmm braaaaaaaains.. Kyoji come here a minute.