Well you never know what could be done on consoles now, it can be something quite interesting and, yet, different than PC gaming.... both could be complementary !
Also the ability to play FF14 on both the PC and PS4 makes it wonderful. And after playing all of the other FF on PS3 + Infamous, I would feel bad about not getting the next in the series.
Is there any other MMOs beyond the Final Fantasies doing the cross platform thing? And actually succeed with it? For example, I know TESO will not be cross server between either console or PC. Older/released MMOs they are putting to console like DCUO and Planetside2 aren't either.
So much hate on the4 Xbox One, I really don't understand why? Microsoft is capitalizing on the fact that people who play consoles arnt hardcore gamers instead are people who work 9-5 jobs and want to have an "all-in-one" entertainment system. Infact the idea about switching to TV and such and being able to talk to your console is a great idea for the average consumer. I will get the Xbox along with the PS4 for the reason that I would love to tell my Xbox to switch to FOX or CNN and then back to a game instantly. Microsoft is trying to innovate and use Kinect technology rather than just build a overpowered playstation. I def recognize MS stupid mistakes and honestly the fault lies in CEO steve balmer. I am a huge MS fanboy because I see the huge potential in the company, I even own stock in them. MS over the last few years has at least tried to innovate, you have to give them credit.
I'm getting x1 due to it able to do more then just play games and movies..... Also some ppl really need to do more research over things... Oh and one last thing.... you may not agree but MS was trying to move the console gen into a new direction which in my opinion was better then what we have now.... Boohoo GameStop cant make money off used games but now games are cheaper... oh wait nvm not happening now. FYI ps4 was going to go the same route and with a forced pseye but decided not to Bc they wanted to make the ps4 look better in price and not restricting anything which x1 was not doing a whole bunch. MS was trying to do a steam thing.Any who ps4 games will looks just about the same as x1 games since devs will keep the same set up on multiplatform games oh and exclusives you still won't notice much difference
I am someone who has no interesting in either console... and hasn't touched past consoles in years. That said... A move to digital sales and away from discs at discount are fine if you have systems like Steam, Origin and GreenManGaming where prices are floored through competition. That won't really happen with discs. I don't trust microsoft to make the transition personally, to make things more affordable to their audience once they kill Gamestop (not that I shop at Gamestop as a PC user). I don't see people turning on their Xbox to find a nice massive summer sale. And it sure as hell isn't like you can get a digital download for your Xbox from a different online retailer (MS trying to do a Steam thing... that's pretty funny). And I have nothing against DRM. Used games hurt developers and publishers, I get it. But you too will think DRM has gone too far on the day your net goes out right when you want to play a game... at the specific time of day when your Xbox wants to check and make sure your friends aren't trying one of the games you already paid for (whether they are or not). Once those stars aline, you will think DRM went a little too far.
I work for GameStop, and I can say that most of our cards are on PS4. We have unlimited PS4s we can reserve. My store in particular was only authorized to reserve 12 XBones.
That works only in the U.S. That's the thing with Microsoft, they innovate for their own backyard without any thought for the rest of the world. On a market share, it's not really a good move. Those services never work in Europe because u get so many providers, different regulation and technology. In Asia, well, Chinese won't buy a X1 as u can't copy games (u don't get banned from Xlive there if u got a modded console btw) but i highly doubt it'll work in India and Japs will go for Sony anyway. As for Canada, our TV service sucks and we got diff providers between Quebec and the other states so i don't believe it'll work either. So, yeah, Microsoft innovates, for the U.S of A. They give the finger to the rest of the world and charge the same price for much less service. Not a winning marketing strategy imo...
Well, Sony finally remembered us as a market for the PS3 (6 years after launch, but whatever), they did it in an awkward way though http://kotaku.com/weird-playstation-ad-buy-your-kid-a-vita-and-they-won-1001906187
Yeah sony and their adds... I think that one of the requirements to work @ sony's marketing division is to be a crackhead.
I've owned both systems for years now. I prefer the PS3 my kids really like the X-box 360. After all this scuttle and M$ getting completely and totally owned I think we have swung around to an all PC or PS household. The PS3 is used about 90% of the time as a file server and a netflix viewer. It works seamlessly with my Sony television and surround system. I like stuff that just works. We usually do an even swap. When the PS4 is released the PS3 will go to the kid dungeon and the Xbox will go in a yard sale. All in all, we are PC gamers and no console will ever replace a well built gaming machine with a keyboard and mouse.
http://kotaku.com/think-the-ps4-is-expensive-be-glad-you-dont-live-in-a-1297031408 good thing I'm not interested in ps4 at all