The VS have taken Indar twice this week from the TR during primetime, however, the TR have taken it back during the wee hours of the morning with their high European population. At least we are keeping them busy. I reported back in March that we were still ranked #1 on Waterson... and I am proud to say that hasn't changed. We are still rocking it thanks to our discipline, tactical superiority, and kickass squad leaders, officers, and members. Oh and I guess leadership had a little to do with it too. Big thanks to everyone in the PS2 division for kicking ass and taking names. We are also recognized as one of the top outfits on the server and people have nothing but great things to say about us. Keep up the great work everyone!
Glad to see you guys still rocking it. I'll have to do an update one of these days and check out all the new changes.
Have we been keeping track into these stats? I just checked and NUC (TR) took top spot, we're #7 (still top 10 yay!!!!) I'm a new to to PS2 really.....let me know what I can do to reinsert our dominance.....
Only #7 if you include every outfit. Outfits with lower member counts get higher average exp if they keep member base low and to only a handful of people that play all the time - typically farming. As an example there is an outfit with 14 people in the top 10 as well. In fact 3 of the 7 are below 30 members. If you sort by 96 members we are still ranked #1, if you sort by a lesser 48 members we are ranked 4th. :arrrg: Having 96+ people that all play a lot and focus on getting high stats is harder than doing it with 14 people. Also unlike NUC we do not really care about the battle rank of a player so long as they can work together as a team and have decent FPS skills. We are not an elitist outfit nor do we intend to be, we just do damn good with little effort. =P