They have been doing this stuff for a looooong time. Every link you go to, every site you bookmark, the porn you watch. You name it, someone is seeing it. Its not new news. Just out in the open now. And honestly, if they want to watch my fiancee and I have sex, all power to them. I get turned on knowing people are watching. Both in ways of gaming are going to be awsome consoles. Id still prefer games on the PC but seems like alot of the console games are going to only be released on the console. Bummer... but blah... Honestly I would be happy getting either console, so doesnt really matter to me. I'll probably create a brand spanking new account if I get an xbox one a year from now. But I would NEVER buy ANY console the same year it came out. The same goes for even PlayStation. Wait a year for a price drop and for them to work out some bugs. Makes things much better.
1)They're not sending it back to the NSA, the current infrastructure couldn't handle such bandwidth requirements even if they wanted to. 2) you can turn off the kinect completely.
Could someone explain why smartglass is a good thing ? Al I know so far is that, while you're playing a game with both hands on the controller, you can do other things with a tablet/smartphone. But first you need a third arm, or a lull in gameplay where you can afford to take one hand away from the controller. Fair enough. Though you should care about how MS is treating developers. Because that will drive them to the PS4/PC, meaning less games for the Xbox. How many less, I can't say. As for it being a complete theater experience, what can the Xbox One do that a PS4 + smart TV can't ? How many of them can't be added to the PS4 with a software update ? How can you be sure it's turned off ? It still needs to be plugged in. Which means there still needs to be some communication between it and the rest of the Xbone. So how do you tell if the Xbone is lying to you ?
Unless they can pin the blame on a lower level employee, software bug or the NSA. Edit: Speaking of the NSA, is anyone facing jail time that other than the whistleblower ? What is the real reason behind this change ? Either MS is so incompetent that the outrage was a surprise and they decided to listen to it despite the results of previous video game boycotts, or MS wants to keep the real reason secret.
So Microsoft admits they f'd up. Not because their customers told them so, but because their sales and marketing teams projected very low sales based on market data. Too late though, damage has been done imo. No reversing the trend. I hope this is the end of Microsoft's gaming venture, for even thinking about always online DRM and taking away our liberties. My only question now is, how long before MS brings back those policies and enforces them on everyone who thought they were safe by purchasing a One?
How long till Sony goes this route??? You seem to not also see the other side of this and only see it as a bad thing.... Oh guess ppl forgot that a time ago Sony was down loading basically spyware onto ppls computers
No just think your being a bit to paranoid.... btw your computer and cell is collecting data right now.
There's still a difference between having ur inet history and cellphone numbers & GPS data and the capacity of having a microphone in your home. If u guys think it's the same, then, whatever. It's like killing a frog in boiling water, if u raise the temp little by little, the frog doesn't react. And about Sony & DRM they won't do it, just like Nintendo wouldn't, as they are japanese firms and it would destroy their image in their home country.
A company's image is a secondary concern, right under money. Microsoft knew they could make more money if they could force people to not buy used games. Then they knew they would lose too much money to competition if they didn't cave. If that second realization was any different, Microsoft would have never caved. DRM isn't going anywhere, no matter the country. It isn't the end of the world either. It will happen and console gamers will eventually get over it like PC gamers had to. The discless console Steam Box should be coming before too long. We already know Steam is working on a way for those with digital games to put their games on a share list for their friends, basically so when you want to play your game your friend is prompted to (or forced to) exit. It will likely be in time for their Steam Box (if they are smart). It sounded a little like what Xbox was planning.
It's true that there's the steam box, with its aggressive game prices (compared to consoles) it might lead to a better competitive environment
The amount of money Microsoft loses through used games is almost nothing compared to the lost that developers experience (a few which MS owns, but not enough to change their policies). The Xbone is basically the answer to Steam for consolse which is a MASSSSSSIVVVVEEE money creator for Valve. Which I am fine with, hell I wouldn't even mind a complete media experience for my new house when I move in a few weeks because I expect to share my TV with my roomie BUT (and this is a big butt) nearly 60-90% of all the games I have ever bought on Steam are due to sales. Winter/Summer sales events, or new releases that I really really really like (rather rare, I got Bioshock: Infinite for 35 dollars two weeks after release). With a price point of $60, I don't feel like there is any reason to get an Xbone over PS4 even more so when a number of the games that are designed come in PC format, on top of my legacy of being a playstation owner for their exclusives. To be honest, part of me is tempted to cancel my pre-order and watch a Second Son Let's Play instead. Maybe pick up a handheld instead like the Nvidia Shield since it would be possible to play NES/SNES/N64/Gamecube/PS/PS2(maybe) on it without too many calibrations. Which is effectively getting like 5 consoles on one device.
I guess you dont know much about Sony's history and the massive scandals they have had the past few years? There was the one big one where they had their CD's auto install a couple rootkits onto your computer, then they released a "fix" for it when people found out that installed more spyware and created more security holes in the OS. Then we have the storing of all user information in plain text files on their servers that got hacked and stolen not once, not twice, but four times. Sony has been one of the largest pushers of DRM during the past decade.
Hm, the only thing that might me get a xbone is when (if?) they do a decent TV service in Canada, with NFL/NHL/NBA and equivalent to Netflix (i don't dream of em doing as good as sohu tv). Right now, as usual with MS, it's only available in the USA at launch.
That's poor policy and poor management, but it's different than having a "feature" that force you to connect every 24h to play a game. Sony could always say "it was a mistake, our bad", MS couldn't say that for a "feature". I think with everybody raising their shield and their sales previsions going down the toilet, MS realized that and went 180° but, as Rubius said, nothing prevents them to re-activate it in a few months. And if they do that, they better not screw up like EA did with Sim City, cuz if u got millions of people who can't play their game because the DRM server is down, they're going to burn.
People have short memories. They are ok with what a company does in the past, because the next time they will use lube. Seems like they are doing the opposite of what each other did last time lol.