After 9 years I'll finally be able to play with ya'll again. Looking forward to killing fools with everybody again.
Not true. SoE already confirmed that PS4 will have seperate servers. Frankly I'd prefer to keep it that way. I don't want to be playing with console kiddies (no offense to those of you who aren't console kiddies but looking forward to it)
You know. This makes sense to me that SOE had the same idea that Blizzard had with Diablo 3. Reducing the overall complexity of the game and hosting PC as a forward testing platform for a larger console release. *shrug*
We've been taking good PC games for granted all these years. We're by no means entitled to quality games with lots of depth. It is nice to have, but at the end of the day, they're in the business of making money, not in the business of pleasing a small group of more sophisticated gamers... and consoles are what makes you the most money nowadays. Having said that, I still think both D3 and PS2 are good games in their own right.
To be honest, I am tempted to buy Diablo 3 for the PS3 even with owning it for the PC. I feel like sitting on a couch and pounding down monsters for loot with friends beside me would be hella fun...pun intended.