So after today's big E3 show off, we finally have some details. PS4 will be $400, will have no used game restrictions, and will allow offline gameplay. Xbox One will retail for $500, have used game restrictions, and will not allow you to play offline for more than 24 hours (of real time, not 24 hours of play time). Which means you need an internet connection to play. Cannot take it with you to the cottage, grandma's house, some hotels, among other places. Not to mention, it intrudes one of our basic rights as gamers. Furthermore, the Kinect will always listen and watch you, unless you disable that option, but even then, who knows? The console exchanges data with the Xbox Live servers once a day. I've been an Xbox user since 2005. I owned three original Xboxes, two 360's, two Xbox Live Gold accounts, and I can safely say M$ has screwed themselves. I don't care if the Xbox One is the next best thing to getting laid, I'm not going anywhere near an always-online console. Being able to play games offline is one of our basic rights. I've disliked Sony in the past for their business practices and proprietary hardware. However times have changed. Thank you Sony for being the better man. PS4 is definitely on my shopping list.
You forgot the "I'll stick with the PC" option, but if I had to choose, well, Sony totally kicked Micro$oft's ass. Btw, epic troll is epic
I own a PSOne/PS2/PS3 and was thinking about holding off on the next generation consoles due to the fact that they are basically just mini-towers with standard components. But the PS4 press conference blew me away, and I have always owned a PS for the exclusive games and the option to relax between my PC and console depending on mood. Destiny was beautiful, I can't wait to play the HD FFX/FFXV/Lightning Returns/Infamous: Second Son and more which I cannot get on my master race machine. Beautiful presentation, price point, and new features. Sony nailed it without a doubt. I'll be pre-ordering my PS4 as soon as I am able too. Edit: Sadly, no backwards compatibility due to hardware shifts but depending on the OS it should be able to emulate PS1/PS2 games without issues : P.
What exclusives are on the Xbone and PS4 ? Because I can't see anything else mattering. Not when Steam shows that the complaints about required internet or used sales restrictions will not stop anyone from buying.
Pretty much every internet poll showed the PS4 winning, and this was before any games were revealed at E3. By winning, I mean a 9 to 1 ratio of votes. So something tells me it DOES matter. Console gamers are not PC gamers. And console games do not go on sale for $5, a year after release, like Steam games do.
Sony fucking killed it. If I had to choose it would be PS4 after yesterday's events. I watched all the conferences yesterday. Thoroughly impressed with Sony.
Sony DOMINATED Microsoft. Took no prisoners. It was brutal and glorious and I can't wait to own a PS4. FFXV and KH3! <3!
Slow down people. There's a lot of unjustified hate towards the Xbox One atm when people aren't actually reading what's there. PS4 used/sharing policy: Exactly what it is now with publishers free to add online passes if they want. Also the same as the PS3 where all games need to be installed prior to playing. Xbox One: You can permanently gift a game to a friend, that game cannot be regifted. Used games can only happen through select retailers. All games must be installed prior to playing. The next part a lot of people are neglecting: You can set up a group of 10 friends (unknown if it is a common group or 10-choices-per-player) that have access to your ENTIRE game library from their own consoles anytime they want. The only restriction is only one of the 10 can play it at a time, but you can play simultaneously with one of the ten. Those of you who play with spouses or roommates on separate PCs/Consoles? You only need ONE copy between you to play co-op or even play separately in SP/MP at the same time. You don't even need to be on the same continent to do it either. Your games are all accessible through the cloud. Disc installs will obviously be faster, but if you forget the game disc you can still install from the cloud and have all your saves brought with it. PS4 has no cloud saving announced except for streamed games. Yeah, the required check-ins are a downer, but really, when are you without internet for longer than 24 hours? Tether your phone for 2 minutes if you really need to.
A decent PR team is all they need. The information is out there, they're just bad at delivering it. Once daily. Tether your phone if you're really out of internet for that long. And included as well as can be turned completely off. Hasn't really crippled the PS3 and the One has far more additional features than the PS4. IMO they've got a better exclusives lineup, but that's definitely subjective.
What people are saying online means nothing. It's easy for them to say that they will never purchase the Xbone, especially if all they have to do is click a button to say it. But when they see that it is the only console with a game series they like, this will happen again: Don't forget about all the Steam users complaining about second hand sales restrictions on the Xbone. Their words may say they don't like the policy, their actions show they have no issues with an even more restrictive one.
This + all that security big brother crap with the Kinect and microphone being always on and sending data to Obama. Maybe it's an urban legend but with that Verizon Scandal and MS being quite close to the NSA, it's a little bit like having an eye of the Agency @ home... I'll stick to the PC and i'll get a PS4.
I did that on purpose, because I made this thread for those who are interested in consoles, too. For those not interested in consoles, this thread doesn't concern them and as such, they should not have clicked on it. PC gaming is totally unrelated to console gaming, imo. Two different animals. Oh, and I loved that video
This. Halo is awesome but not enough for me to excuse all the blunders M$ made with the Xbone. That video was awesome Good on Sony for calling M$ out on it. Bastards. Shit like that makes me hope gaming really starts to take off on Linux to I can get rid of all M$ stuff. I can almost guarantee that I will not be upgrading from W7 any time soon.
On the exclusives front, Transistor (from the people who made Bastion) is going to be released for PS4 and PC when it's launched. Though an Xbone port does sound likely, unless Microsoft requires indies to find themselves a publisher like they do on the 360. Finally: The Cynical Redub - Xbox One E3 Conference 2013 - Part 1