I've been trying the link all day and it gives me a url "try again later". Buhhhh.. "Unable to send due to an unknown error. Please wait a while and try again from the beginning."
If you are having issues getting those 2 links to work go to the Lodestone website and click on the link they have provided on the first topic. http://lodestone.finalfantasyxiv.com/pl/index.html Here is a cool battle video from Alpha testing I happen to stumble upon (the big battles are towards the mid-end of video)
so how do you get a legacy account? I wanna try this game so badly...and i'm a big final fantasy fan.
When they turned on the subscriptions on the last you to fund the project they added the Legacy program. To gain Legacy status, you had to have paid at least 3 consecutive months of subscription. As of right now there is no longer a way to gain this status. Your best bet is do what Orlean did and find someone willing to give away their legacy account. A cultureless baboon. Aka Vangelis
Yeah, and that's not exactly easy either. You really have to find someone willing to give it up now, which is almost impossible now that it's been announced the Legacy = Beta 1. I think you kinda missed that boat entirely my friend. Last month, at least I was still able to swim to it and crawl aboard. It was purely a 2012 thing.
There might be come hope. He just has to look around. Quite a few people are hating the changes because they were expecting a XI with prettier skin, or whatnot. Find those disgrunted players who cant see the bigger picture and you might find yourself someone who wants to let it go.
Letter from the Producer, XLI (01/23/2013) Hello again to all of you eagerly awaiting FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn. Yoshi-P here, ringing in the new year with the forty-first Letter from the Producer. We've been back in the office for almost three weeks now, and our calendars are already marked full of meetings and deadlines. It won't be long before beta testing begins, and soon after that, the release of FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn! Looking at the beta test road map we released last month, the road from beta to release would appear to be a long one, but the testing will be over before you know it. There's not a moment to spare in preparation for release, and the development team will stay at full throttle to make sure we get there. First things first, let's talk a bit about the beta test. Phase one will begin in February, and we were thrilled to see so many players from around the world signing up to participate. I know the beta test is just around the corner, but I'd like to show you guys a few screen shots to tide you over until then. Here's the title screen, new and improved with a "beta version" tag. The BGM has been changed as well...another little tidbit to look forward to. Starting from phase 1, all races will be available for testing, so it's time for roll call! First up is the Hyur Midlander female. The Hyur Highlander female is also front and center, looking strong and sexy. Next up is the Elezen male smartly sporting race-specific gear. The Lalafell looking adorable as always, but don't count them out in PvP. The Miqo'te male makes his long-awaited debut, fueling fan desires for a new project: Miqo'te Online. Last but certainly not least is the Roegadyn female, with strength matched only by her beauty. With all these screen shots, it'd be a shame not to include one of the benchmark. We're still putting the finishing touches on it, so pay no mind to the score. Although all races will be available from phase one of the beta test, not all customization options will be available. We're putting a lot of work into various options such as hair styles and colors (a whopping 192 shades are being planned!) based on feedback from the alpha test, and everything should be ready by phase three.
Phase 2 starts this weekend, supposedly. Do we have a server that people who are in beta are playing on? Perhaps a roster? Trying to keep the NDA intact whilst looking for people who are in beta is difficult... lol... Would be fun to play with XoO. Send me a PM or something on here.
There is a TS channel and a few people posted the servers they were on a few pages back. I would just hop in the TS channel during the event and see who shows up.
Beta Keys going out again check your emails. The NDA is just a bunch of whiney bitches. PM me if you want to know anything.
Got one this morning. Of course I'm back at work 4 days 12 hours each lol, better than not getting one at all though! Will try to play tonight if download goes quickly.
Yea a lot of new members are starting to get their beta keys... Try to make your characters on Moogle... is where I am at.
I'm hoping I get one when they get into the PS3 phase because I entered the FFXIII registration key thing. Earlier would be nice too though of course. Hope to join in soon