Nice to see they're at least trying to stick to canon. Though the next X-Men movie looks to be a clusterfuck.
This could be good. I'm not going to get my hopes up though. As far as the next X-men movie goes, the days of future past episodes in the animated series were quite good. Hopefully they can at least do as good as the cartoon. Although, Spiderman TAS was better than any spiderman movie that has been released to date.
The next movie is about time travel. The original cast and the First Class cast in the same movie. No, I'm not joking.
I know what it is about. That is what the days of future past story line is. It was done perfectly fine by the animated series, not as retarded as it sounds.
Which wouldn't be a problem if First Class hadn't been intended to be a reboot. Watch First Class and then the first X-Men movie again. The two movies completely cancel each other out. The time lines for the two movies make nooooooo sense. And Origins: Wolverine didn't help matters either. The entire movieverse is just one giant cluster fuck of "wat?".
Did not know it was supposed to be a reboot. I just looked at it as a new movie. Not remotely close to how they pulled off a reboot with Star Trek. I can see how that may be confusing. I will just look at this as a separate movie again in that case and not think anything of it. Maybe it's letting off marvel to easy for not having control of their shit. I went and read some comments about first class not making any sense and it does indeed seem like they dropped the ball hard.
I loved First Class. LOVVVVVVED. And I adore Wolverine just for Hugh Jackman, who plays a brilliant Logan.
Am I the only one who thinks this storyline seems a little weak? I will still go to this movie, but the trailer did not get me as excited as others have.