War thunder is a F2P game like World of Tanks except... Its about ww2 - Korean war air combat. Its a ton of fun and mostly involves using realistic flying mechanics to shoot down tons of enemy planes and blow up tanks. Currently in Open Beta and will not be getting wiped again (per the 6 month road map). It will eventually add Ground forces and Fleet assets, so if you are looking for some pure fun this is were its at. If anyone gets involved i have the same name in that game and i am usually on. http://warthunder.com/
love flying games..waiting on world of tanks new flying game. Ill try this one on for size too! and I soooo kick ass at flying games.. third eye rules ill be under my flying game name ive used since red baron days.. CheckSix
i have been in beta for this game for quite some time ... it is a top notch arcade and one of the best SIMS (when playing that mode) I have ever flown!!! Sokar and I will be playing this tonight after zeeeee baby gets his attention
yeah i fly with a clan and there is usually 15-20 of us on a night so always have a squad. Also JAPANESE FTW!!!
you like flying you might like to see this battle from a few days ago 60 spitfires vs 58 bf 109s this is not arcade flying..its free but it is very very very hard if your interested in the free account http://www.battlegroundeurope.com/i...t/article/64-about-wwiiol1/6916-signupstaging
WWIIOL ... alpha - beta - release was a very high ranking panzer player when it first came out ... once i got into college thou i stopped playing this and played other quicker games ... def not arcade mode ... IL-2 is still the best flight sim I have flown ...
cool..i subbed for about 10 years.. I still have a free account. I dont resub because i just dont have the time for it atm. I was one of the first to make general rank and I was in allied high command for a while. Im liking warthunder atm. Going to get a new joystick for this.