Na... You agreed with my last statement, and like I said I didn't play every MMO that came out. I'm sure there is MMO's that had better launches other than Tera and PS2 over Guild Wars 2. I'm not saying your plan is bad, I'm just saying the community is somewhat to blame rather then the content of a game. Your plan on how to look at MMO's is what I plan to do with FFXIV ARR! Vague and opinionated question. It will differ from person to person and game to game. Either way... Something to work on when at max level of a game such as: Raiding, PvP, Crafting, Gear, Achievements, etc... I don't see why people complain about grinding in an MMO! Getting from 1-?? is a grind in itself. People complain about grinding endgame content and vertical progression, but it was totally fine to grind 1-?? doing a bunch of lame boring storyline and quests. I've read so many of these QQ type threads in the WoW forums back in the day it was ridiculous... Guild Wars 2 has the same grind, but it just takes less time. When you get to 80 you still have to grind mats or karma for gear without the fun Raid Bosses like in MC, Naxx, etc... Dungeons in GW2 is a kite fest, and I find it funny that Anet thinks their doing something new w/o the Holy Trinity. There are plenty of Korean games without tanking classes long before GW2 came around and you just kited the mobs back then like you do now... Anet sells this vision of new, when it's not... Why fix what isn't broken and bring the Holy Trinity back along with some real end game content. If the content was so good... People would be lining up to play it! You can do what we pro players play for and Play to Win... I play to beat the competition and to have the bragging rights, also why I play in the best guild on the NA bracket! LoL... The next sliced bread! I agree that SWTOR had a worse launch then GW2 by a landslide, but there was many problems keeping people from playing GW2. There is also problems keeping people from playing like culling and optimization issues till this date. I'm not baggin on GW2 and saying it's the worst game ever, I'm just saying it could of been better and I expected better. In the end weather it was good or bad is dependent on the person you ask.
I have my eye on Wild Star: NCsoft doesn't have the best track record for keeping games running though. And from the rumors going around about COH they didn't really have any reason to shut that one down at all other then to be dicks so not much hope for it lasting. Neverwinter: STO and Champions FTP both have some pretty predatory business methods attached to them so not holding my breath waiting for it. Elder Scrolls: Wait and see I guess. Defiance: Might be interesting depends on what they manage to do with it.
I'm afraid that MMORPGs is a total dying genre for me can't get hooked to one, even GW2 bored me to death quickly... sob
— SOE's Smedley in regards to EverQuest Next It's supposedly going to be a sandbox game, so I'm interested in it.
Archage is going to suck. Darkfall was the Ultimate sandbox game and that went well. They both took 10 years to develop. Elderscrolls. Who knows. Bioware was great at single player games but their MMO blew balls. Blade and Soul. More of the same MMO boring. Firefall. I've been in beta for a long time and its not that fun. PvP is not very good either. I love the shooter elements but not fun after a week or so of gameplay. I still go back every other week or so and play for a few hours to see if its any better. Rift was a great game. We just didn't have any XoO playing it after a month, typical. I played it for a year with another guild and had a blast it had everything if you played it with people who enjoyed playing video games. Defiance comes out this year and it should be good and a different point of view than the fantasy mmos. Rift easily had the best launch I've seen to date. GW2 was a close second. Tera. Well I didn't bother with that sinking ship on launch.
I'm looking at, but maybe not for launch: elder scrolls, ff14:arr,. My playtime is limited so I'm not going to try to play everything. I wish I could get excited about Archeage but I can't. :X
no game entertains us anymore. I think we expect too much. Darkfall was some of the most fun I have had in an MMO to date. IMO it's not the quantity of time that matters but the quality of that time. If a game lasts for 2 months I think it's worth the $60 box. I have spent money on far worse things.
The downfall of Darkfall was not the content or the super fucking fun factor that I loved about the game but the exploits that they didn't fix and the hacking that they never stopped. On top of it all we couldn't even get everyone to play because of the server cap. I guarantee if they had just restarted the servers after fixing those exploits I would probably still be playing. But yes. We might expect too much out of games but in MMO's its more about the people you play with. Lately we've had a bad batch of drama queens in our MMO's or we expect to have 9001 people playing with us and if we only have 10 on a night its a tragedy. XoO doesn't play with eachother in games most of the time. We have 10 people but only 2 of them are in a group. Make friends with all 10 and you will have a blast I promise. Like I said before I kept playing rift with a different guild that was 1/10th of the size of XoO and I played with everyone in it. It was fucking awesome. XoO members in rift were a bunch of crybaby bitches. People you play with make the game. It just has to be a game that keeps their attention long enough to make those in game relationships. Hence why I probably won't play another MMO with XoO unless I know the people playing in it.
You know Tera may have failed in the end... but its not the reason it failed for most of you. The EU division was pretty strong and the interest was very much there. It was only until later where people just got tired of it. This happens in every single mmo. Everyone and their mothers bum rush the game, people get tired of it, nolife it, or just plain out dont like it. In the end there is always the die hard fans who actually enjoy the game and its up to the company to decide if that number is big enough to keep funding it/charging subscription. It is like Kyoji said, we as players expect WAYYY too much. I also believe too many of us are too worried about finishing the game as soon as possible then they whine and complain when they have nothing left to do. It seems the people who actually take their time to enjoy the game are much happier with the product than those who rush it and ignore everything else. Some games really do make massive mistakes and they just fucking crash and burn. But to say that 98% of mmos are epic fails is wrong. It is all a matter of perspective.
How is AA going to suck? Also AA took 6yrs not 10, DarkFall flopped bc it was badly manage and had alot of issues that wernt being fixed not bc it was SandBox Also AA so far is having great reviews and even Trion is also stating how well put AA is.... yes Trion will say anything since they are publishing it but they would pick up the game in the 1st place if they think it will flop
Darkfall was a game beyond it's time. Sadly it was published by an indie developer with a small budget. I hope Archeage will be good, but I put 0 faith in games these days. It seems to hold the most promise so hopefully it will succeed. Either way I plan to give it a shot I think from what I have read and seen it is worth at least that much.
Not sure if there's a thread for this game. My friend is excited for this. (I'm not) Opinions?
So it seem Black Desert is going to be a non tab targeting game.