I actually liked it a lot more than Utherix, LOL, but truthfully it just made want to play Firefall again.
Its got a ways to go, lol. Maybe if they re-balance all of the weapons, make a improved interface that isn't made for Xbox controllers, add a way to invite friends (seriously Trion?), and make PvP battle more interesting, I would give it a decent score.
The good thing about TRION is they make major changes quickly. So hopefully they pull the solo out of the game and actually make it possible to have a game worthy of making a group. 4 man groups is BS in any mmo.
These codes are to be entered here, after signing into your Trion account: http://defiance.com/en/my-ego
List of already found codes https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0As_TOhvr5TT-dE5DQVBXQmF6eXh6bW1xeno3Y0FOS2c&toomany=true A thread about the Codes - http://forums.defiance.com/showthread.php?934-quot-Hidden-quot-Code-list-discussion Also the symbols seem to be a specific language - http://forums.defiance.com/showthre...Extra-quot-Content&p=14853&posted=1#post14853