Nvidia Released GTX 660 TI Newegg only got asus one so far Here is a review for msi gtx 660 ti - not bad for 300$
I'm still going to wait for eVGA 4GB 670 model to drop in price, which will be a while. My 570 still performs well and I paid right under $300 for mine over a year ago. Not sure I'd pay $300+ foe a 660 though, the 7870 will be fighting for that segment - both seem decent cards. Will be keeping an eye on these anyway. Thanks for the links!
Because performance of GPUs is so high now compared to the games demand for power, I always feel like if you have a card from the previous generation that you are better of skipping the new one entirely to save for the next gen.
if the 660 ti drops to around 250 for me at my job im gonna trade in my 560 ti 1gb for the 660 ti 2gb
They will let trade in at Microcenter? Never buying a gfx card there again! I don't want your used card. :tehe:
You know all those "special deals" Erock gets people on hardware, now we know that those are really just his hand me downs
well it wont be a deal new hardware never is 2x a year Intel gives us shit for really cheap that new i7 selling for 500+ i got for 175 and sold it on ebay haha