large earthquake rocked New Zealand’s North Island on Tuesday night but no damage has been reported. The long, rumbling quake was upgraded to magnitude-7 soon after it struck off the west coast at 2036 AEST. It was centred 60km southwest of Opunake in Taranaki at depth of 230km, GNS Science said. Advertisement: Story continues below It was followed by a smaller aftershock.There was no tsunami warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre. A Fire Service central communications spokesman told NZ Newswire there were a number of calls but no reports of damage. Police also received no reports of damage, and a central police spokesman said there was no spike in calls. The quake was felt hundreds of kilometres away in the Bay of Plenty and Christchurch. It sparked a lot of comment on Twitter, but no-one reported serious damage or injury. The quake hit nearly 17 months after Christchurch’s February 22 disaster which killed 185 people. Read more:
I'm in Wellington and it was the biggest earthquake I've felt. My thoughts were: - Oh, an earthquake. - It's lasting a bit longer than normal. - And getting stronger. - Time to get up. Then the strongest part of the shaking began. Knocked a few books off the bookshelf.
that is crazy ... we got hit by one last year here on Long Island ... it was small but since LI never gets shit like this and I felt it and it made shit wobble like u was dizzy I was like WTF brah so anything that big must be intense for the first time or second or third haha
wow ... I wanna visit some day but that is nuts !!! then again I have been to Cali over 40 times now so its not too scary if its not often