Also, not to be a total shill, but if you're really desperate to make the next beta you can drop $60 and pre-buy the game from the developer's website, and that guarantees you access to everything from here on out. I figure the reason most of you haven't already is because you're on the fence, though (or still saving up).
Game time availability for me this weekend. I have Friday-Sunday off. However, note that I am stationed in England and thus am in the GMT timezone. That is 5 hours ahead of EST and 8 hours ahead of PST.
So, apparently is now giving out beta keys with pre-orders? While I haven't seen ArenaNet talk about this yet, some people who have done it are reporting being given BWE keys that work when registered on the GW2 website.
Well I would like a Key before I spend another 59.99 to see if this is a game to invest my time in and if XoO going to stick with it Also im open frm friday till sunday and my account name is TwilightANgel on Frag. OOOH and notice there 28 or was it 25 more keys =3
I would love to see what all the hype is about. Got any keys left? I am with you on that. My frag account name is DoomBlackDragon. I have the whole weekend to play. So I really would like to see what this game is about. My friend hypes so much about it. I not sure if she is just being a fangirl.
Everyone who is thinking, or will be playing, in the next beta please pay attention to the GW2 forums. We're not going to want to deal with a mass ball of confusion for those who weren't paying attention.
Sigh. Even after I did post a request on fragworld as well. Stating that I am a XoO member. I was so hoping to try this out.