Dexstah's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Dexstah, Apr 14, 2012.

  1. Dexstah

    Apr 14, 2012
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    TERA (EU) Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your primary class?
    Why did you choose XoO:
    Being a more mature gamer, i am looking to play with like minded players and be a part of something bigger. Im not interested in guilds run by some teenager who will up sticks at the first sniff of a job at Mc Donalds. XoO has been going for what 8 years now? Thats solid leadership right there!
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    I've always been addicted to MMO games for aslong as i can remember, im sure i have a problem, sheesh this sounds like an AA meeting or something. "Hi My name is Dex and i have a problem, im an MMO-FO", "Thanks Dex, thanks for sharing" *Group ahhhh* :mad:_@:
    The first MMO i played was an old 2D classic called Dragon Raja and was totally free but totally hardcore! This is where it began.
    In my gaming lifetime I've achieved some great stuff in gameplay terms, well great for me any way!

    I played Lineage 2 (Cheer) back when hardcore actually meant something, i lead a guild called DA (Dominus Auroa) who were the number one guild on the Kain server in terms of PvP. We captured the first castles in the game, ruled regions, took the first Raid bosses while people still hadn't even finished their class change quests! We controlled markets and server politics, truly an elite gaming guild in every aspect. Our influence was across every aspect of the server we ruled, not a single player would attempt us if our entire member base was in PK status (outlaw in Tera) no one would dare touch us for fear of being hunted every second of the day. We were a unit of formidable skill and some unique talents that depended on each other, and formed one of the most elite PvP teams i've ever had the pleasure to be a part of.

    Another game of note i played was called RFonline and with a small elite Team (you have not seen elite until you played with my team back in the days), we took on the entire server by issuing a total "come one, come all" challenge to every guild at the official forums, we looked to set the game on fire! This truly taught me the finest arts of Guerrilla warfare and honed my tactical mind to adapt quickly to an ever changing battlefield. We would single handedly win race wars with outstanding tactics practiced to a fine art and were a solid block 10 at the top of the server PvP league from the start until the day we were forced to retire. Untouchable was not the word, even the farmers quickly left zones when we turned up, people were just not in our league and we took the game by storm. As an example from day one we crushed, and steam rolled our way to the top, this created a snowball effect that just got us to a level of power whist keeping the rest of the player base undergeared as we took all the uniques. We were so out of reach to the entire player base it looked like we were playing a different game! This is the only game to date that i have actually seen the external GM's and Dev team make changes to specifically nerf a guild. We would have a constant GM shadowing us for weeks on end looking for any excuse to ban my team. The forums were in uproar with the screams of guilds crying for a nerf, the game was losing paying customers through not being able to compete so something had to give, this was the only time i could say i've won an MMO lol. Fun times, but once the Gm's and Devs block nerfed the ratios of the unique gear only our guild had as a direct response to us we were even mentioned in official posts as being 'too competitive' and 'unfair to the majority', also reduced they skills effectivnes we farmed for months solid to obtain and so we left the game to its own devices and it quickly changed in to an uninteresting Free to play fest. Sounds like i'm elaborating, how ever i do not exagerate and once people know me they will understand what im about. Every game i've played i've strived to excel, WoW, Shiya, Rappelz, Runes Of Magic, Silk Road, there are so many over the years but ive tried to play as many as i could always looking for the next challenge.
    Why do you think you'll be a good fit?
    I can see that XoO is a multi gaming clan that strives to be the best in every game they turn their hand to. I'm a like minded individual who strives to do his best in any situation. This is the reason i think i would fit in well with the fellow XoO members, that and your name looks like oXo (English Stock Cubes) which makes me LOL:bigeyes:
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    I will hopefully contribute by adding another solid member to XoO that will help out to the best of my abilities. I will share my experience as a gamer and activly contribute to take the guild to what ever level of PvP you have the heart for.
    Do you have a referral?
    A little bit about yourself?
    I'm Dex, most of you will know me as BulletProof, i'm a 32 year old Web Developer from the Midlands in England. I've done my time as a leader, had the second job as a gamer for the best part of 15 years!!! That's alot of PvP believe me. I'm looking for a guild to be like a family, one that plays to be the best and plays for each other. Enough about me what about you! I want to know the people who have my back because ill have yours. The way i see Tera EU going is ill be at the top flight in PvP as it just 'happens', and pikachu i choose you! No wait i mean XoO i xhoose you *see that shit! im a fucking genius*
    Activity level?
    every evening 6pm Gmt till i fall asleep and weekends as much as humanly poissible.
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the TERA usergroup?
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2012
  2. Gauron
    Veteran Star Citizen Member

    Aug 8, 2011
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    M.O.D supplier
    As a thing we don't really like one liners.
    I'll have a chat with you in game. whisper me on Gauron or Avatarofhope.
  3. Thaisha

    Nov 6, 2010
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    Account mannager sales company
    The Netherlands

  4. Arcadin

    Mar 8, 2012
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  5. Saffaya
    Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    Jun 22, 2008
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    I have never seen such a delusional, megalomaniac, and pretentious application to XoO.

    Listen buddy, check the rightmost of my award icons.
    See it ?
    It's called "Rising Force Online tour of duty"

    Unfortunately for you, XoO has played and dominated RF Online.
    Every single one of our veterans is flabbergasted at the delusional delirium you are spouting right on our doorstep.
    It feels downright insulting.

    You should have researched our guild a bit before inventing your fantasy stories to inflate your ego.

  6. Thaisha

    Nov 6, 2010
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    Account mannager sales company
    The Netherlands
    this paragraph has been cleared out with help of Senrai and a few of the old RFO players and has been clarefied to be back in Closed and Open beta.

    Member has been accepted looking towards the future and not opon the past.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2012
  7. Keller

    Apr 12, 2012
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    Trial Period succesful. (31 May 2012)