No, the CoC applies to game EULA's, breaches in vbulletin's terms of use was signed upon account creation but is not part of the guild's CoC. That being said, in the event that the VB ToU is broken the owner of the software is held liable and not the individual. I'm not an expert of international law, nor can I offer advice on if the OP vid is illegal or not in Canada.
Lying,cheating and stealing. This is immoral on many levels. Just take the cash from the register if your going to be a thief.
I sincerely don't understand all the drama over this video. I watch a lot of questionable things on television but I don't automatically assume that the broadcaster is suggesting that we behave a certain way or encouraging us to do something. I watch things for entertainment which is what YouTube is - I see a lot of crazy stuff on YouTube.. pranks, etc. but that's really all it is to me, entertainment. EDIT: I'm not trying to minimize anyone's feelings if they are offended by the video but I really don't understand it.
I do assume "how to" videos are there to show people "how to" do something, but I understand he is fairly big on youtube as an entertainer too. Whatever, people who do this stuff still annoy me because I know what it is like to work in such an atmosphere, I know the headache the people working there go through when the person behind them gets pissed because they get the wrong item or don't want to wait and take it out on the employee. It doesn't always happen, but when it does it makes for working jobs like this all the worse. It is good in some ways that it is publicized because videos of illegal practices like this bring the action to light where those it hurt can see and find ways to tighten their net against such people. to pull from youtube comments: -1423 people work for McDonalds. -Great, now this glitch in life will be patched.
I think the idea of stealing food and/or jeopardizing someone's livelihood (i.e. the employees) just brings about a visceral reaction in people. Maybe a throw-back to caveman days. Some innate thing in us makes us weird-out when a dude threatens to steal the dinosaur meat we spent weeks hunting for. (yes I know cavemen and dinosaurs didn't coexist... just havin' a little fun)
Cool pic FF. Just because the person got away with it does not mean he won't be arrested. If you've ever worked in retail at all you would know that you are not supposed to try to stop a thief.
:uhhh: well this youtube vid is also 5 years old clearly he successfully eluded the police and batman
^^ or just got a slap on the wrist for taking MCDONALDS food. Lawls..... I love how to most talked about thing, isnt the fact that stealing is wrong, everyone mentions the person BEHIND the guy who stole the stuff. OMG, I need to wait like 5-10 more minutes Lawls
Stealing is not wrong, it's a valid solution to a problem. That being said, the consensus of stealing is that it is unethical, and as such immoral. Supporting such an action, or not being able to see a problem with it is just a sign that you may not believe in/support the ethics that most people follow. I personally don't care what you believe in, but I have to agree that the vast majority does not see it as an attractive quality. [/philosoraptor]
It's just like any other scam, if you have an intent to do harm/steal then it's just that. People hand over money willingly to scammers, and I may be wrong, but the police go after them. (Mind you it's not a $5.00 lunch usually). I don't care if people do this or not, I'm jes sayin'. But if you have to steal food mcdonalds is a good choice
I think that was just me... and I assume that someone in the line behind him isn't being violated, since he'll eventually get his food. McD's can afford to spare a little extra pink slime. It's kinda hard to feel bad for them, although it is stealing, none the less. I hadn't even thought of the employee, until it was mentioned here...I am a bad person and for that I will do penance on Sunday.
Best case scenario the employee doesn't get bitched out by some angry in-a-rush customer. It isn't about making some person wait 5 extra minutes to me, I just don't like making trouble for the person with one of the crappy jobs imaginable. Also the store still has increased food loss so when this happens a few times employees don't get their bonuses and raises. It is easy to think you are stealing from the faceless corporation with bags of money to spare, but that isn't who it will effect in the end... they have made sure of that.
A friend of mine used to do something similar to this. He'd save receipts from McDonalds (or some other fast food restaurant) or find them on tables or in the lot. Then he'd drive up to the drive-through and complain that the food he bought had something wrong with it and he'd show the receipt as proof (he had a wad of receipts an inch and a half thick!) they would never check the date, but would just give him whatever he wanted from what was on the receipt. Sometimes they were dumb enough to give him back the receipt and he would just use it again. He ate free for 3 months (no joke!) but also was banned from every fast food restaurant in the city. Just a disclaimer, I have never done this nor would ever do this, nor do I recommend that anyone does this, it's just a crazy story about mischevious teenagers.