If you own a legit copy of ME3 and want to play online, 1) Post your Origin ID here 2) Add all the people that posted before you (works out better this way) If you haven't played Galaxy at War, you really need to try it. I haven't even touched the single-player campaign yet... it's that good!! My Origin ID is: Ruebius
I wouldn't say it's THAT good. It's only horde mode. I'm hoping for some DLC that introduces more multiplayer options. Hoping.
Will be buying it after I get back from hawaii. I think I'm sgtsukit on origin if that's where this crapball is played from.
I love my vanguard and how brutal he is (in both SP and MP) but holy balls does he bug out in MP. That makes me a sad panda
How so? I havent found anything really buggy about him in MP. I havent played in about a week so maybe a patch broke something, but I love playing my vanguard in MP and havent found anything wrong yet except being crazy overpowered
The problem mostly has to do with Biotic Charge and how much as a vanguard I use that I love playing my Vanguard fast and loose (only way to play!) 1) Sometimes I can't Charge (Looks like a server client issue in regards to the 25% chance to not use the cooldown proccing). 2) If I charge in such a way that at the end of the animation I am ontop of a rail (and thus get bumped off) I can (and frequently do) enter a state of falling for the rest of the match (persists through waves). At a minimum it makes targeting difficult and you also take falling damage (which is negated with Biotic Charge by and large). However, in between waves I tend to die because theres nothing to charge in order to refill my shields. Also, if you live long enough you will fall through the world. 3) Enemies that I Charge (and knockdown) will sometimes get up behind me as I try to follow them in for a heavy melee (Seems to be another server client issue where it reports them as still moving forward and being knocked down rather than knocked back and down). 4) I have been killed while charging (and thus should be immune to damage). Note: this is different than when I get killed at the instant of casting biotic charge when I'm still vulnerable. On the plus side, I have killed an enemy with my corpse. 5) I have charged to nowhere. I chalked the instances of this up to charging an enemy that was running at an angle slightly away from me at max range. It still used my cooldown and got me killed (I was trying to escape a clusterfuck around a corner ) 6) This one is the most random and completely one shot (so far), so I'm adding it in for the funny factor. It happened so suddenly (after a normal death + revive) that I have no backing theories for how this happened. Spootan (on our forums) and I were playing a match on Tuchanka against the Geth. We were doing pretty well until I died because of how awesome playing a Vanguard is. So I charged into a room and got stomped because there were more reinforcements coming around the corner. No big deal, I got revived and went to carry on with the match. I tried to shotgun a Geth around the corner but couldn't damage him from point blank range. I ended up emptying my shotgun (Wraith) into him and was thoroughly confused. Then when I went to reload... I couldn't. Also, the Geth weren't even shooting at me. Well I've seen them relentlessly chase me across the map while Spootan dispatched them so I gave it no mind. Until I tried to charge one moving towards him, and couldn't. No response, just the little biotic failure sound. So going back to my roots, I sprint in and heavy melee some trooper in the face. He didn't even notice a stiff breeze, let alone an insta-kill that it usually did. However, he DID notice me now. He shot me in the gut, but it didn't even bring down my shields. So I started chasing random ones down and found that if I spammed melee, I could aggro them. I couldn't hurt them but they couldn't hurt me either. At one point they even stopped trying to shoot directly at my character. They shot NEAR me, but to the left by about 10 yards. This was fantastic when the Geth Primes showed up and I tanked them going toe-to-toe with them. Strangely they could melee my shields off, but never my health. Like I had said, #6 was just so damn random that it's possible it could happen to anyone anyway and so rare that I have no clue wtf happened. The rest, #1 through 5 I experience at least once a match depending on stage selection and my level of recklesness.