Didn't even know that Lord of the rings was comming back. It's the story before the movie Lord of the rings. Still cool thou. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hobbit_(2012_film)
They are filming two hobbit movies at the same time..one to be out 2012 the other 2013. I been trying to get on as an Elven extra.
awesome. I just hope it doesn't drag on. I know there is a lot of material to fill the two movies quite nicely, but I also know the producer has a penchant for losing his mind with cinematic detail.
Will probably end up split as the journey to beorn, and the journey onwards OR leave it as suspense with all the dwarfs captured by the elves in the forest, and leaving it as a will he wont he get them out (bilbo)
Seems logical, but is that close enough to the middle of the plot material? Im sorry, its been soo sooo long since i've read them, I thought i remembered this being close to a third in.
There is more action than is in the book for when bilbo gets lost in the caves, gauranteed they will try to add 20 minutes worth of fight scenes in
good point. I actually searched around for synopsis of the book and its all coming back, now. I forgot how good this story was. It ought to make a good pair of films, too!
That's kind of what I was thinking. But it could also split shortly after Bilbo finds the ring since it's more towards the middle and a major plot device.
a friend is an extra and just finished filming some scenes for the second movie. I am still trying to get on as an extra. he is in 3 scenes..grrrrr..so jelly