Spouses married to gamers aren't happy and gaming is a problem in their marriage. On the other hand, couples who play RPG's/MMORPG's together are happier. If your gaming is causing issues in your marriage, get your spouse to play.
Similar study done a few years back. I spend enough time online that it would probably be pointless for me to see anyone who isn't a gamer... at least as far as something serious goes ::x: Really narrows the field (especially where I live). :zzz:
Source, abridged. The study targets WoW specifically and uses the 14-40 WoW demograph (most likely 18-40 in this case) instead of the 18-24 "gamer" demograph. Average marriage was 7 years, so this is in the vast majority couples who had figured out if they wanted to spend their lives with their partners for realz w/o divorce. I liked that the study presented the root and solutions of the problems rather than just the data.
Interesting read... I wonder how many of those couples actually work together at the same place and are in the same office and how this would affect their relationship?
If one spouse smokes crack and the other doesn't that relationship most likely will not work. If they both smoke crack, then their future looks bright. I've read studies like this, and it's true that this is the case. A lot of it tho, is one feeding off the others addiction. Just an non-objective opinion, because I've known couples that game and they never come outside. I guess it really doesn't matter, as everyone is addicted to something in someway,shape, or form. They could get off that computer and watch some Jersey Shore together.
This is why we built my girlfriend a badass computer. Lets her play whatever I am playing or lets me play whatever MMO she likes. We also find that even more than MMO playing working on Warhammer is a great bonding experience. Two of you sitting together, assembling the various armies, painting them or even helping paint each others and then playing the game with/against each other is a lot of fun. Definitely not for the light of wallet though. As for what Gankfest said, we go camping, hiking, dog parks, out with friends etc. I think the people who game and dont go outside simply dislike being outdoors, there's nothing really wrong with that as it's their personal taste. They likely wouldn't be going outside even if they were doing something else.
I am very picky as to the type of mentality I like on the girl I am dating. But if I find a chick whos willing to play MMORPG with me I will buy her a ring.
Hey, I'm a gamer, too. XD I could be doing something else but nope, playing games. XD <3 I love that pic so much.
shhhhhh Kharma cant know but for real thou I am a pretty avid gamer I go out clubbing partying like a rockstar ... I am very athletic and play hockey weekly traveling around the country ... I have a life ... I go outside too the beach during summer I go too the park to play some ball or something Oh yeah and I got style ... Mo hawk combover enough said bwhahahahahaha
pics nao My husband and I are both gamers - we play two different MMOs but we enjoy the same hobby. I could see that being problematic in a relationship where it's entirely one-sided.
Iif you find your gaming taking priorities, it's perfectly valid to question the relationship's strength/health. But who knows, I've never been married. -Edit For all you guys who like to pick and choose, try just letting stuff happen, make friends and see where that takes you moment by moment.