What if, one day, there's technology to read people's thoughts? It's plausible because the brain undergoes electrical activity and as a result emits waves associated with these activities. If someone were to study the patterns, they could develop an algorithm to translate them. It seems like we've somewhat achieved that now: http://www.pcworld.com/article/2493...deling_to_read_words_in_peoples_thoughts.html
I have a headband that translates brain activity into computer inputs. I am pretty bomb at Pong with no hands This sounds a bit more advanced though. It may be pretty helpful to patients who are mute or other problems that inhibit ones ability to speak, but I also see a lot of ways that this will be used quite badly.
After watching Transcendent Man, I now believe anything is possible. The future is going to be gnarly ladies and gentlemen. Reading brain waves is going to be childs play compared to where we are headed. Technology is going to keep increasing exponentially. Personally, I'm intrigued as hell by the idea that we as humans may all be connected to each other one day, sharing information, thoughts, FEELINGS. Think of all the pointless misunderstandings we have with others because of miscommunication or lack of understanding the other persons intentions. This link to technology and all other humans may be through one huge database almost like a google for the brain. Whatever questions arise are instantly answered by our automatic link to a world wide information database. Honestly, by then we will have created AI billions of times smarter than humans and we honestly can't even dream of what that might mean for us as a species. Just wait until we create an AI that is thousands, or even millions of times smarter than humans. The ideas of technological advancement then sky rocket into something we can't even imagine. Then again there's a good chance as soon as we create something millions of times smarter then us it completely back fires and it eliminates us like ants.
Kava, Aren't you forgetting the Prime Directive? A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm, unless this would violate the Zeroth Law of Robotics.
Lol, when I imagine AI billions of times smarter than humans I immediatly think Prime Directive gets side lined if the robot see's fit. I guess I've watched too many movies where it just doesnt work haha.
Those directives are figments of someone's imagination anyhow. Certainly for now they're not used in practice, because AI is currently used as a tool for solving a particular problem, and is completely unaware of anything outside the context of that problem. In future, they won't be used either, because they're just words. To set rules for AI they have to be structured differently.
They can also read brainwaves to recreate a rudimentary image of what the person is seeing. That news was published in the last few months. You could find it if your really interested in how well we can interpret brain activity. ..rats/birds for surveillance...maybe even insects? An all seeing AI...voraciously devouring all info trying to accumulate all knowledge possible. human brains make great memory space!!!!!!! Soylent RAM is people!!!! turn the damn thing off while we still can...jus' say'n
Brain waves can never be correlated to what someone was thinking in fact. Just pure speculation. Very cool though.
Sharing thoughts and feelings? But I've spent all these years putting up a barrier of bitchyness and sarcasm that prevents me from interacting with idiots! Iunno, that just too.. *ick* "share-y, touch-y feel-y" for me.. I'll keep to my cold hard shell of loneliness thanks. It's nice here.. However, being connected to something that enables me to look up information in a snap would be useful.. oh wait.. my phone is already grown into my hand.. DONE.
It's interesting, but I doubt it will ever advance to the stage of 'reading' ones mind. That would require everyone's brain chemistry to be exactly the same, which it's not.
did some digging and found a youtube clip referring to my earlier reply article is here http://technology.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474980375985
Pretty decent, but I'm more excited for when biofeedback itself becomes trendy. Any day now you'll see the next super-phone-blueraytooth thing that they're shoving down our throats to come with apps that visualize biofeedback in funky patterns.
Heh, well a tech mood ring. The tech has existed for a long time, but we all know how economically viable medical tech is.
Was listening to the Roagn podcast and he had on this guy named Jason Silva and he talks about the future of technology and where its headed and its more of the stuff I posted before with the point of singularity and what that involves. Check this guys videos out, I don't know the guys credentials but he seems well read and if nothing else he provides some ideas that are a trip to think about. http://vimeo.com/34984088 ^^ Talks about a book called Abundance and exponential technological growth. Pretty wild stuff. It's simple math really, technological advancements that allow us to read other peoples minds is childs play compared to where technology could be headed, exponential growth in other words means we cant even dream up whats going to be possible in the future. http://vimeo.com/36938974 ^^ Cool little remix on the Rogan podcast when Silva was there.