Due to the government takedown of MegaUpload and the worldwide effort to arrest the founders, Anonymous has started a campaign to fight back against the government and anyone who supports SOPA / PIPA Sites taken down (at least for a while, FBI is back up now) by Anonymous: justice.gov doj.gov fbi.gov universalmusic.com mpaa.org riaa.org riaa.com copyright.gov hadopi.fr bmi.com bgi.com wmg.com https://rt.com/usa/news/anonymous-doj-universal-sopa-235/
One of the co-founders was arrested here in Auckland, New Zealand. CNN is right on board with a having trial by media. They referred to Megaupload as "that pirate hub". I would be interested in seeing what amount of traffic was "pirate booty". people..try to keep politics out of this if you want to discuss this. If you do not want to discuss this..please do not sabotage the thread with politics. edit...CNN is owned by Time Warner. Who supports Sopa. That is why they are vilifying them. TW using the media they control to forward their agenda. CNN for me is now just another Fox "news".
The "News" that is reported on TV is for entertainment purposes only. If you believe anything reported main stream, you might as well say BAAA or MOOO. By the way, I am grabbing my popcorn. I heard this was going to be great.
New Zealand police seize shotguns, money, cars in raid in US online piracy case http://www.washingtonpost.com/busin.../20/gIQAfDymCQ_story.html?tid=pm_business_pop
agreed. Enigma thanks for the post. I had heard nothing about this yet. Long day at work. This is crazy!
Needs to be posted http://xkcd.com/932/ Do you want retaliation for MegaUpload? Hit them in the wallet Picket blockbuster movie openings ddos the iTunes Music store, the amazon music store knocking down a informational site for a couple minutes (until they flip a swich and redirect traffic to another IP) does nothing. on a side note taking down key media company infrastructure would take a massive attack have you seen the iTunes data center the place is no joke the building is huge, and full of servers redundant connections intelligent switching and load balancing, strong RF shielding and redundant power it contains in total an amount of computing power that exceeds any of the the top 100 fastest super computers in the world. I am not trying to sap this thread with politics just simply stating that anon needs to be smarter about there targeting However trying to target the infrastructure of of these mega billion dollar industries with anything short of a ICBM with a nuclear payload is futile.
Oh and have any of you used MegaUpload? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tD1yaE0GfQ&feature=g-all-u&context=G2a5ae1cFAAAAAAAAAAA
The MPAA and RIAA already tried that, and got a lot of stuff in effect that Google screens things for copywrite stuff now.
They should probably shut down google/yahoo...... as well since they link to copyrighted material. This whole case is really absurd. I find it hard to believe things are being taken so far. But this was the logical progression of things I suppose when they started hitting joe blow with million+ fines for downloading 28 songs :S
If they start coming after people who watch streamed videos from places like gorillavid and stagevu I am so screwed lol.